Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? (pt.1)

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The summer before their sixth year would be one to be put in the books.

The whole off-season was spent traveling back and forth between 12 Grimmauld and Malfoy Manor. At first, Y/N didn't mind since she got to see her beloved older cousin, Narssica. Evenings, after dinner, were spent gossiping with Bella and Cissa. It reminded her of when they were young and it brought her a new sense of comfort until even that was gone once again. Like everything good in her life, it slipped away like a bottle of wine and shattered on the floor. Evening gossip sessions turned to meetings at the large dining table with people she had only heard of before. She clung to Regulus for as long as she could before he too was dragged into the meetings and not long after she followed him. Both of them were initiated into the Deatheaters much against their will but no one would know that.


Platform 9 ¾ was crowded and suffocating and the Black siblings made their way to the train. Their parents decided against escorting them to the station this year in favor of attending an important meeting. Regulus and Y/N truly didn't mind if it meant not having to hear another lecture before the school year. The only other difference this year was the matching tattoos they had hidden under their black sleeves.

The familiar mop of raven-black curls caught her attention and made her freeze in her steps and her trunk slam into her heels. She saw James Potter jump onto Sirius' back, both of them shouting in celebration of making it to their seventh year. Remus Lupin stood beside them laughing at their antics with Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Lupin met her eyes and gave her a smile out of sympathy only causing her to roll her eyes and quickly catch up with Regulus.

"The prince of Slytherin and Little Black herself grace us with their presence!"

The sound of the familiar voice pulled a small smile out of Y/N as she made it to their compartment. "Evan." She nodded politely and sat down next to her designated seat by the window. "Shut up."

Regulus smirked and sat across the compartment from her, next to Pandora. Barty and Evan sat to the right of Y/N, trying not to bother her since they sensed her sour mood.

The loud commotion of shuffling feet and shoving shoulders could be heard through the glass sliding door of their compartment. No one needed to be told who was making all the noise since the train had taken off already and the Marauders were making their way down the hall to their own compartment. Regulus completely ignored them as they walked by but Y/N felt her heart clench when Sirius came into view, but only for a few fleeting seconds. Pandora gave her a small smile to which she smiled back.


The Great Hall was buzzing with new year excitement and fresh energy from the first-year students. Y/N sat on the left side of the Slytherin table with Regulus by her side and Pandora on her other. While Dumbledore gave his typical speech, Y/N rested her head in the palm of her hand with her elbow on the table. She felt a pair of eyes on her and tried her hardest to ignore them but when she noticed them not leaving her she finally turned her head to look and met eyes that mirror her brother's next to her. Sirius was whispering into James' ear while staring at Y/N. She rolled her eyes and flipped him off before directing her attention back to Dumbledore.

"Let the feast begin!"

"About damn time, I'd say," Barty muttered from across the table causing Y/N to laugh, bringing a smile to her friends' faces at the sound.

The group ate their meal with a light conversation floating around. All of them avoided the events that occurred over the last few months. Once they all finished they decided to call it an early night and all started heading back to their common room.

In the corridor outside the Great Hall, the marauders stood in a huddle with some of the Gryffindor girls Y/N recognized from some of her classes.

"Reggie!" Sirius' voice echoed down the hall causing both younger Black siblings to cringe. "How was your summer with Mummy and Daddy?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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