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"Lets rest here for a few moments" The group agreed finding an area to sit. I helped Sasha with Bob while Maggie did whatever the hell she was doing. I kept looking at her worried "I have him, go talk to her" I nodded walking over to my sister. "Hows he doing?" I sighed sitting next to her "We got the bleeding to stop" She nodded "We have the water to our backs. I'm thinking we camp here for the night"

She stopped sharping the knife standing up "Sounds good, you three should be safe here" I furred my brows standing up "Three? Dude you're staying" She shook her head "No, not with Glenn and Beth still out there" I groaned "Maggie, Glenn was on the bus, with any hope its long gone from here. You need to stay I cant loose you too" She looked me dead in the eyes "I'm not leaving my husband Sam, no way" I closed my eyes "Then I'm coming with you. We stay together"

Sasha walked over "Ya'll should stay, its safer in numbers" Maggie shook her head "I need to find my husband, thats what I'm gonna do" she pointed at her knife "With just that?" She nodded "I'm out of ammo so ya. I couldn't find Beth, but I know Glenn got out and I know which way he went. I'm gonna go get him then I'm coming back you for you" I looked at the darker skinned woman "We'll head east. If you guys want to join us you can. Be safe" I ran up the small hill

The walk was long, Maggie didn't say much to me and I didn't say much to her. Sasha and Bob also came along following behind a little bit, enough so we cant hear what their saying to each other. "Mags" My voice was barely above a whisper when we saw the bus stopped on the road. She started running towards it

"Maggie" the three of us ran after her, walkers banged on the window "Ya'll should go" She walked around back trying to open the emergency exit "Maggie, stop" She pushed me back "I need to know if he's in there" I sighed "Fine but we do it together 'kay" She nodded stepping back, I looked at Sasha and Bob "You two open the door we'll clear whatever one comes out. Do it one at a time, so we can identify" They nodded getting into position

It went smoothly for the first three then the worst happened "I cant hold it" The door burst open with maybe 20 walkers. Sasha, Bob and I killed the walkers while Maggie just stood there frozen. "What the hell was that" Sasha got in Maggie face, I pulled her back "Don't fucking get in her face" She pointed to her "She almost killed us" I frowned "Its not her fault" Bob got between us "Sasha let it go okay" She gave me a dirty look "She's gonna be the death of us all"

I scoffed "Lets go Mags. Mags?" I turned around seeing her in the bus. When I walked in she was sitting on one of the seats laughing "Are you okay?" She stood up scoffing "No. he's not here. I don't know where he is, I don't know where Beth is" I hugged her "We'll find them. But we gotta go, the gunshots will draw more here"

We walked again, this time as a group. "Its getting foggy" I looked at Bob "I know, everyone stay close" We continued to walk till we couldn't see anything in front of us, the far miler sounds of growls surrounded us "Eyes up, stay sharp. We don't move till the growling stops" They all nodded, when the walkers came we killed them one by one. "HELP" I threw my walker to the floor, moving to help Maggie. I came up behind her walker stabbing it in the head

Two shots rang out, with Sasha behind the gun, "Bob" She fell to her knees "I'm okay. It got me right on the bandage" She hugged him "ow, ow ow" She stoped "I didn't say stop. I said ow" I smiled chuckling softly "We need to move, more can come" Sasha reloaded her gun "We should wait till the fog clears then we move" I shook my head "You fired shots. They defiantly heard that" She nodded "We got six shot left, we need to make 'em count" Maggie tossed me a compass "Its broken" I flipped it over checking it out "Sun sets on the West rises in the East. We keep an eye on it" I looked at Bob "In this?" He nodded "Its the best chance we have" I pushed my hair back "Fine, lets go" We grabbed our things starting to walk

"Whats that?" I squinted "A sign?" We walked towards it "Terminus. When we were out on a run to the veterinary college we heard a message about this on the radio" I looked at him "They broadcast this?" he nodded "What did they say?" He shook his head "We couldn't make it out. I only know after seeing this now. 'Those who arrive survive" Maggie looked at me "We need to go, maybe the others saw this" I nodded "Lets go" Sasha shook her head "This sounds too good to be true"

I looked at her "If you want to stay out here be my guest, but if there's a chance my sister is there then I'm gonna go. Your brother Sasha he could be there. We owe it to them to try" Bob agreed with us "Fine, lets go" I mouthed a 'thank you' to Bob before he caught up to her. "Their gonna need to stop soon, he's gonna need too" I nodded "So you suppose we leave them?" Maggie shrugged "I say we stop for a few then go, let them live their life" I nodded "Whatever you say boss"

In the end (Walking dead story)Where stories live. Discover now