New people

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We walked for a few hours marking areas. We walked along the tracks "Its a good thing we went around that tunnel, it could have caused serious problems" Bob nodded "Thank you for having my back on that" I smiled "Of course" We walked further down the path hearing people yelling. "IS THAT THEM?" We ran towards the source of the noise seeing a car with two guys and a girl. We raised our empty guns "Who the hell are you guys" The guy in the passenger car held up his hands "I'm Eugene. This is Rosita in the back is Abraham" The woman was very beautiful "Who are you?" I lowered my weapon "I'm Sam, this is Sasha, Bob and my sister Maggie"

 The woman got out of the car "Your who Glenns looking for" Our eyes almost popped out of our head "You know Glenn?" Maggie walked forward "Ya he went through the tunnel a little over 2 hours ago" Eugene got out of the car fallowed by Abraham, "Can you take us to him?" The redhead clenched his jaw "We need to get this man to Washington going back for them will only delay our trip" Rosita shook her head "We'll help you" I nodded looking at my group "Your a life saver" She smiled "Glenns a good guy, if he trust you, I'll help you get back to him"

The car ride was very cramped "You guys need ammo?" I nodded "Badly" Rosita smirked handing us an ammo bag. We all loaded up mags, Abraham drove us into the tunnel "Theres a shit ton of walkers" he stopped the car "Everyone get out" We all got out "GET DOWN" The six of us unloaded out guns at the walkers. When the smoke settled Maggie ran towards Glenn. I looked over at Rosita smirking she nudged me softly "Lets go secure the end" I nodded fallowing her. "So I believe I owe you a thank you" She smiled "Your welcome" I kicked a pebble "How did you all get split up anyways?"

 I gulped "Umm well the place that we lived before uh, it was attacked... we lost a lot of good people. Maggie and I lost our sister, and our... daddy he uh" She stopped "Hey I get it. It sounds like you've been through hell" I nodded "I was" she nodded "I'm glad we found you guys. Its been while since I've seen another woman" I laughed "Well I'm glad I can be some service" we reached the end of the road laughing and talking "Here set this up over there" I nodded doing as told. "So how'd you fall in with these guys anyways?" She shrugged "I was in Dallas fighting walkers with my group. And uh he came along with Eugene saving our asses" 

We made it back to the group being met with Glenn, Maggie and some girl, "We haven't properly met" She looked fearful "Oh I'm sorry. Tara this is Maggie, and her sister Sam. Maggie, Sam this is Tara" She shook hands with my sister than me. I dropped her hand "Thanks for save this dumbass I don't know what she would have done without him" She smiled "He saved me too" it got awkward after that "He's very fond of you. All he did was talk about you" Maggie smiled brightly "Again thank you" She pulled the shorter woman into a hug. Rosita and I started walking back to the others, "Whats wrong?" Sasha stood up pointing at the redhead "He just said he knows what caused the outbreak" 

I looked at the mullet hair guy "You know what caused it?" Glenn walked over "Let me guess he asks you to go to DC with him?" Abraham looked up "Im downright tickled that ya'll found each other. Should be celebrating tonight. Because tomorrow there's absolutely no reason why the nine of us don't stuff ourselves in that van and head up to Washington" I crossed my arms "His right. I'm gonna go" All our attention turned to Tara "No he's wrong. We're 55% of the way from Huston to Washington. Up until now we've had a military armored vehicle for transport and we lost eight people" Rosita tuned too Eugene "That wasn't our fault" Abraham cut them off "Their gone" I looked at Maggie lowing my voice "We ned to go. We found the people we were looking for, now we must go find Beth"

"We'll go to terminus tomorrow. We go to the end of the line" He outstretched his hand to me "Are you with us?" I clenched my jaw "Only to find my sister. Not after" He nodded "I respect that" The group sorta dismembered after that each person going to their respective area. I was gonna sit with Maggie but her and Glenn needed sometime for themselves. I sat in tfrint of the fire pulling out my cigarettes. "Hi... Sam right?" I looked up at the new girl "Yup" She smiled sitting next to me "I think its great that Maggie found Glenn don't you think" All I did was nod while inhaled the smoke, "Your not much of a talker?" I shook my head no

She didn't say anything after that just sitting looking at the fire with me "Sam do you have another one of those?" I looked up smiling at Rosita "You'll destroy your lungs hun" She rolled her eyes "Give me one" I smirked "No I don't have very many left" She walked over to me taking it from my mouth inhaling it "Then we'll share" I snickered "Your something else" She blew the smoke in my face passing it to Tara. "What did you do when the world fell?" I sighed "Thats a long story" Tara passed the cigarette back letting me inhale "Oh do tell" I shrugged blowing out smoke "Its not all that interesting man" I passed it to Rosita "What did you do?" She shrugged "Same as everyone got guns, found people I trusted and survived"

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