3 - him

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You were walking home after hanging out with team blue, you had a busy day tomorrow since you had to wake up early to make posters. Not only did you want a team of your own, but you wanted more friends. It was a quiet night, clear skies and the moon was full, not to mention the sky was filled with stars. It was very beautiful. You finally arrived at your apartment complex and was greeted with a package at your door, picking it up and unlocking your door to go inside. You set the package down on your kitchen table and went to your room to get your pajamas on. You decided to get the posters done tonight so you could save some time tomorrow. Picking up your pjs and getting dressed, you fished through your closet for paper and markers, getting to work.


"Well, there we go, a poorly designed poster that will hopefully attract attention" you said sighing.

"Well, there we go, a poorly designed poster that will hopefully attract attention" you said sighing

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You were proud of yourself but at the same time you sorta half assed it but oh well. You leaned back in your chair and stared at the ceiling, pondering for a moment when that cyan haired inkling crossed your mind. You thought he was kinda cute but you couldn't think like that, you didn't know him, never seen him. So you decided to ask goggles about him, he might know more about him right? Great, now you couldn't stop thinking about him, couldn't get him off your mind. "I need to find out more about him..who is he?" You said still staring at the ceiling. Getting up from your chair you decided to go to bed. You had to call goggles in the morning after you went to the square to hang up your poster. Falling onto your bed, cuddling up in a blanket, sleep came fast.
"Ughh, shut up.." pressing the off button on your alarm clock, groggily getting up from your bed and stretching. "I better get ready for the day.." yawning half way through your sentence.
Getting your clothing of choice, you got changed and put your shoes on, along with a f/c hoodie since it was chilly out. Putting your shoes on, but just before you exited your apartment you remembered the package. Walking over to it on the table you opened it, to reveal a stuffed animal and a card from your mother. You smiled to yourself after reading the card. On your way to the bus it seemed even colder than it actually was.

(Another Timeskip cuz I'm a lazy person 🥺)

Using a tack you put your poster up on the bulletin board right in front of the deca tower, smiling to yourself thinking you did a good enough job. "Hey you." You turned around and noticed it was him. The cyan haired inkling..wait? THE CYAN HAIRED INKLING?? ong this couldnt the happening, there he was, with his emotionless gaze upon you. He was right there and you felt as if you were going to shrivel up and die. "O-oh uh h-hey..!" That's it you were going to die. "Why were you staring at me the other day? Who are you?" He growled, slightly glaring at you. But then suddenly a bunch of attention was drawn towards him, people were gasping and staring at him, then they started crowding around him. "Oh my god its vintage from the X-blood!!" Some random inkling girl squealed. "He's so cute!" Another said. While he was busy trying to get out of the crowd you took that chance to get outta there. "Hey wait! Come back!" He yelled, still trying to escape the hoard of fangirls and fanboys. "Sheesh, that was wild." You said looking behind you. "Vintage from the x-blood huh?" Damn. Today was weird.


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