Bird Flu | Fluffybird | ❤️🌺

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Bird Flu 


(Red Guy x Duck guy / Harry x Robin) 

❤️ - Romance

🌺 - Fluff

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It had been all over the news, bird flu sweeping across the country. Fear mongering of news sources claiming that there would be extensive food shortages because of all of the loss of poultry. Harry hadn't thought much of it, unconcerned as he didn't think that it would effect him much. Sure they liked eating chicken, but maybe a lack of it would mean new foods to try. He hadn't imagined that this epidemic would cause him one of the biggest scares of his life.

There was a gentle knock on the bedroom door, Harry peeking in before stepping into the room and making his way over to the king sized bed. In it, was a sickly—but recovering—green duck.

"I brought you tea." The tall, red one said, his voice quiet as to not disturb his lover. Harry took a seat on the side of the bed, setting the mug down on the nightstand and using the back of his palm to check Robin's temperature. "At least you feel cooler than before, yeah? Are you feeling any better?" He questioned.

Robin grunted a little rolling onto his other side to face Harry, looking up at him. He looked disgruntled, whether it was because he was being disturbed Or because he was tired of being sick who knows.

"Better than before, but bored to tears." Robin huffed, moving back onto his back and staring at the ceiling. To be fair, he'd been bedridden for nearly a week. The only time he got up was to use the bathroom and shower. To say the least it had been excruciatingly boring, especially on the days when Harry had to work. Have to pay the bills somehow.

"Is the medicine working?" Harry asked, grabbing some pillows and helping Robin into a propped up position before handing him the mug of warm tea.

"Yes yes, I just wish you'd have brought me my clipboard." Robin grumbled, looking away in a petty manner to sip his tea. Harry merely rolled his eyes in response, amused.

"I think having to suffer through you constantly complaining for the past week is enough, I'm not sure I could handle listening to you take inventory 5 times a day. I mean think about it, I'd never survive listening to you count each floorboard." Harry mused.

"Oh quiet! You just aren't smart enough to appreciate my way of doing things." Robin teased, sticking out his tongue playfully before breaking into a coughing fit.

Harry's lighthearted playful demeanor quickly changed into a worried one. One hand moved to Robin's back, the other his arm. He kept the duck steady, gently patting his back to help, waiting for the coughs to cease.

"Drink more tea, it'll soothe your throat." Harry requested, moving the mug up closer to Robin's beak, to which he was met with no resistance.

It was late, later at least. It'd been dark for quite a while, and the two had been watching TV from the bed. It was nice to finally have a TV in the bedroom, allowing them to watch their favorite shows from the comfort of their bed.

Robin glanced over at Harry, who had fallen asleep. A smile crept onto his beak as he scooted closer, resting his head on his lover's shoulder. His cheeks became warmer as he closed his eyes, taking in the feeling of Harry's soft His arm/wing slowly moved around Harry's body as well, holding onto his torso. Finally, Robin's legs tangled themselves with Harry's, settling in. The duck felt comfortable, like this was how things were meant to be. Almost.

A few moments later, Harry rolled onto his side a little, his own arm draping itself across Robin's body. His head moved closer to the green duck's, breath moving through the yarn and hitting Robin's head.

This was how it was supposed to be. Holding each other, peacefully resting, knowing that they'd always be there for each other.

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Sorry it's a little short, still getting back into the swing of writing. I also need to edit the first page because I completely forgot to add fluff and angst oops. Anyways yeah, hope you liked it even if it was a bit short.


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