Fluffybird | Gone | 💧

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Harry (Red Guy) x Robin (Duck)

💧- Angst

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It had been days since he'd disappeared. It felt like weeks, time seeming to melt together in an incoherent stream. Every second, minute, hour. It was becoming agonizing. Every moment without him only adding to this already insufferable hell of a world.

Robin looked down at the paper on the clipboard. He'd been counting all of the boards on the floor in the living room, making sure they were all there. His once neat and rigid handwriting now a scribbley mess, the desperation in his counting only exposing itself the more he counted.

His tired, sunken eyes made their way around the room. He'd counted everything. Everything was just where ut was meant to be, except one thing. Something "not that big" according to himself, yet the loss of this someone was perhaps the biggest and most devastating event of his life.

Robin's body creaked and popped as he pushed his nearly lifeless body from his chair, the floorboards quietly creaking beneath his weight. His eyes closed as he imagined the way the boards would creak and groan under Harry, always making it easy to tell where he was in the home.

It was less of a home now. More of a house. Just a house, a building where they slept and lived. Not a home. A home is a place you feel safe, a place where you live with people you love and care about. It wasn't a home without Harry.

Robin crawled into his bed, shivering a little. The room felt cold, and there was no one there to keep him warm. His eyes moved to Harry's empty bed, sheets mildly tampered from the other day. Robin decided to repeat the process, moved on top of Harry's abandoned bed and holding onto his pillow. He held onto it like his life depended on it, as if the pillow was Harry, and he never wanted to say goodbye ever again.

Robin hadn't even noticed he'd started to tear up, quickly wiping away the other tears and pulling away from the pillow. It seemed he was no longer alone, Doi standing in at the doorframe. He too seemed sad, watching Robin with empathy. He'd always sort of known that they had a thing for each other. They were each other's special one.

"If you want you could sleep with me tonight." Doi offered, forcing a small smile to cheer Robin up, but to no avail. The green bird merely sighed, gently shaking his head. Slowly he slid off Red's bed, the pillow in hand.

"No thank you." Robin said simply, head hanging low as he carried Harry's abandoned pillow into his own bed, holding onto it like it was the read thing. Squeezing it against his chest he closed his eyes, and without much time he was asleep.

Robin's eyes shot open, he quickly sat up. His chest heaved, heart racing. There was a crash from downstairs, and he wasn't sure if it was real or not. With a glance to the lamp, and loud voice telling him he had a nightmare, he knew it must have been real.

Not wanting to wake Doi, who was still in a deep sleep, snoring away, Robin quietly left the room. He hadn't even noticed that Harry's pillow was still in his arms, and he was holding onto it like a child holding onto their stuffed animal.

His heart only continued to beat faster and faster, even his breaths quickening with anticipation as he rounded the last corner into the kitchen. Suddenly he stopped square in his tracks, beak agape in shock. He felt paralyzed by the sight before him. Tears began to form in the corners of his widened eyes.

There before him was Harry, standing there with a few plates in hand. On one of the chairs around their small kitchen table was a bag in the process of being packed to the brim. Harry was even wearing clothes, a button up under a wool sweater, and nice pants.

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