Partly Revealed

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Casey/Oliver POV

I checked my surroundings as I jump into the sewers and saw the 4 on the computer checking things out as I walk up to them Leo sees me and starts to walk over the me crossing his arms "do you want to explain who those people are Casey?" When I was going to open my mouth to answer he continued with "or should I say Oliver Queen" I jumped a bit when I hear the words leave his lips they started at me trying to tell me to explain I sighed " for 5 years I was stranded on a island named Lian yu" I pause for a second

When I stoped a alarm started to go off everyone ran to the monitor "it looks like there's a new villain in town" Donnie said "the cams were able to pick up a video of his doing" the video starts to play and I freeze in my tracks when I see the half black and half orange mask "Slade" I say under my breath Leo looks at me hearing what I said "You know this guy?!" Everyone starts to look at me and they stare at me in the video he takes of his mask and stares into the camera and throws a knife at it breaking it Mikey saids "ewww what happened to his eye" they all turn back to me

When they turn back to be my phone starts to ring I check it out and relized it was Barry I pick up and immediately.

Barry screamed that so loud that all of the turtles heard it and started to get interested
"What do you need Barry"
"so you know that god I was fighting with who knows our every step we take"

Right after the last sentences I released that the turtles hear everything and I would need to explain even more

"I'm sorry Barry I'll talk to you later it is not the time for me right now"

Ralph walks up to me pushes me while saying "who was that and you gonna explain how he's fighting a god"
When I was about to answer for the 3rd time the alarm starts to beep like crazy and Donnie ran up to it "looks like this new villain was spotted just outside Antonio's Pizza everyone starts to get their gear and I decide to grab my quiver and bow knowing who we are dealing with.

A/N: This took months to write because I just haven't been in the mood so I'm sorry 😞 . Please tell me if I your liking what I'm writing bc I being honest it's hard to write without getting feedback so please do that thanks 😊.

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