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You were sitting on the floor since Yuma was sleeping on your bed and since he's tall, he pushed you and you fell on the floor while Yuma was sleeping soundlessly. You leaned your body back carefully so that you were against the bottom board of your bed. "Yuma....!" You wined as you tilted your head back to look at him. "I'm bored." He opened his eyes and glared faintly towards the ceiling. "Be quite Bunny, your voice is irritating." He said sluggishly as he shifted his body away from you. "Wow, Yuma, your starting to act like Shu now." You said as you turned yourself around the floor so that you were faced the bed he lied on and sat on your knees. "Don't compare me with that Neeto." He said. "But weren't you the one who came in my room and carelessly fell asleep on my bed?" "Just shut up Bunny, jeez, your more than Ruki." You huffed and pouted silently while narrowing your eyes in his direction, though you were grateful that he wasn't able to see you acting in such a manner. But still... All you wanted was for him to notice your existence for once. You sat up so that you were still on your knees still leaning over him. Your glare faded, but the whines your voice didn't seem to fade despite your intention of wanting them to. "Yuma, come on! I'd like to talk to you!" Yuma slowly opened one of his eyelids and focused his half gaze on you as he looked at your face. "You're rather bold to talk to your master in that tone. If there's something you really want... I suggest you offer up your worth as payment for your behavior." You hesitated and flinched back slightly at his words. You knew very well that "your worth" meant your blood as that seemed to be the only thing he payed mind to in you. "I'm sorry, Yuma... I really didn't mean to whine like that. Forgive me?" You spoke meekly, hopefully that you could avoid this one punishment. "Forgive you? Hah...?" He laughed, apparently finding amusement in your suggestion. "You want me to forgive you when you rudely came in and interrupted? Do you really think you'll be excused? Though if you were to willing hold out your skin for me... I might forget this." "B-but... You were the one who came in here and slept on my bed when I was already here...!" You protested as you were offended that he was putting all the blame in you. "To expect me to hold myself out for you... That's just horrible! I'm not going to do something like that." "Heh, this is new. The toy can't seem to learn her place, can she...?" He glared at you with such a lustful way, as if mocking you through his alluring eyes. "I, no, um..." You seemed to have lost your words as Yuma kept staring into you with the anxiety and confusion that his strong gaze was giving off. Yuma didn't wait for you to find your words, your shaky expression was twisted with fear and confusion was enough encouragement for him to go on. "Or is that too much?" Perhaps your desire is to obey my every word. What a dirty girl." The bed slightly creaked as he turned over on his side so that his entire body was facing you. "If that's the case... Come forward and get on your hands and knees." Your chest burned up from how fast your heart was thumping against your breasts and you felt your cheeks heat from the energy of both fear and excitement. You didn't know what to expect and you were afraid to imagine what he might do to you, but it would be foolish for you to disobey him now unless you wanted him to act crueler towards you through an even worse punishment. You slowly leaned down on your palms and crawled a few paces towards him after you had hesitated for quite a few moments. You kept your eyes shut tightly with your head titled downwards, as if you were ashamed to have to be crawling towards him like a pet. "You can do better than that." He said boringly, yet he still managed to sound a little harsh. "Weren't you the one who started all of this with your attitude? You should know better that to resist your punishment... unless you're begging for something more. Come closer." You trembled slightly from his words before lifting your face up with your eyes still shut and crawled towards him at a quicker pace. You stopped only when your head was close to the board of the bed and you loosened your eyelids to get a faint glimpse of him, waiting for your next command. Yuma leaned forward and looked down at you with his enticing brown orbs. "Good." He said, satisfied that you had stopped and waited silently for him to speak. "Now, quickly pull yourself towards me." You fully opened your eyes to see Yuma's face close to yours and you innocently blinked at him twice as you tried to figure out a way to obey his command. You weren't sure how you were supposed to pull yourself up to him without lifting your palms from the ground but maybe that was exactly what he wanted you to do... Not wasting anymore time, you quickly leaned forward by pushing against the support of your arms before gripping the edge of the mattress and pulling yourself up so that your head rested beside him. You felt your heart rush to your cheeks due to the humiliation you were being put through but still you stayed silent like you had before. Yuma narrowed his eyes even further as his smirk grew longer across his lips. "Hah, look who's finally obedient." He mockingly chuckled. "Eh-Ahhh!" Your gasp turned into a short scream as Yuma immediately gripped your shoulders and yanked you up on the bed so that you were trapped beneath his body. You were amazed at how fast and forceful he was, as he was still holding on tightly to your shoulders, causing you to tremble bitterly from the pain that was being rushed through your body. "Yu- Yuma, stop!!! It hurts!" You screamed at him in helpless protest as boiling hot tears began to prick around your eyes from the way he kept squeezing your shoulders. He loosened his grip on you slightly, but your cries didn't seem to stop him from further insulting you. "Stupid girl... I just complimented you on you're obedience and now you open your mouth again? You must really want to be hurt so badly, what a slut you are..." Saying that, he began to drag his cold fingers up your thighs until they barely went beneath the lower rem of the skirt you were wearing. His glare pierced into your quivering orbs as he did so - - a slight hint of anger, lust and excitement was blended and hidden well in his eyes. You shut your eyes tightly to avoid his mocking expression as you shivered from the way his fingers stroked and scratched the skin of your thighs. He gradually worked his hands further up your legs, making it all the way up to your skirt and to your panties that were scarcely starting to dampen. With every second, your body started to feel hotter and hotter from the way Yuma's touch entranced you into a state of pure desire. "Let's see how much more of this you can take..." He said in a low and quite tone that was accompanied by his devious smirk - - all of it made your face heat up more than it already was. You felt a sensational gasp as you felt Yuma's hands tease the skin that was just around your panties before he slowly slipped down your skirt. You barely noticed that he had taken your skirt off, as he quickly began to rub and tease your clit over your panties. He pressed his fingers down that your overwhelming desire came flooding through the juices of your clit, wetting the soft fabric and seeping through until they touched Yuma's fingertips. You stained out a few resistant and scourging moans as he rubbed your panties over your clit faster and harsher. "Yuma...!" You gasped out as he leaned further over you. With the hand that wasn't torturing your clit, he began to slowly undo the buttons of your blouse until your breasts were completely exposed for him to look upon. He gazed his fingers over your chest, pinching your nipples slightly as they grew cold and hard from his touch. After a few more moment of him roaming and caressing your breasts while making your clit throb with a painful desire, he suddenly pulled both hands off your body and faintly backed away from you, leaving you in heavy sexual frustration and desperate for his touch. "Haha..." He laughed at you, amused by how weak and helpless you looked beneath. "If you really want something so badly... Go ahead and do your part, take off my shirt." You gulped and blushed deeply from his order but you were too desperate to disobey. Reaching your arms up, you brushed your fingertips over the collar of his shirt before shifting them down to slowly undo each button that was keeping his chest hidden form you. You worked your fingers quickly went all the way down until you had unfastened every one so that his shirt sild easily off his shoulders. Staring at his bear chest, Yuma leaned farther over you to look deeper into your eyes, yet still restrained himself from putting his hands on you. "Haha, look at you now... Your face is so red and so lustful and I haven't  even done anything to you yet. Are you really that perverted that you can't even hold back your desires?" He made fun of you harshly. "Well, if your so firm on your desperation, you should be able to tell me directly what is it you want. Go on, say it quickly. Or do you want me to leave you here like this?" You cowered back from the way he teased but you knew it yourself that you couldn't bear the frustration to possibility resist any longer. Taking a gasp, you declared what you wanted from him in a strained voice. "P-please, Yuma...!! I... I need you to fuck me." Yuma smirked down at you, as he was pleased that you had finally cried out and admitted your desire for him. Without saying a word, he quickly slipped off your panties so that the unwelcoming cold air collided with your heated and aching opening and you heard the buckles of Yuma's belt rearrange as he stripped off his pants. It wasn't much time before you felt his hard erection surge through your opening and stretch your walls, filling you with an unexpected pain that mingled sensationally with your feelings of deep lust. You moaned loudly, almost crying out as Yuma pushed himself deeper into you and began thrusting at an unbearably fast pace. You struggled to keep up with him, but you were filled with such an overwhelming pleasure that it was hard for you to even focus on anything. Yuma pounded harder inside of you at each second, breaking you further into your climax. You could hear his deep grunts from above you as you kept your head titled back and cried out, moaning his name between the breathes that you inhaled. A few tears pricked around the edges of your eyes as your face grew heated from the energy that was quickly leaving your body. Everything seemed to feel hazy, yet it was somehow so enticingly wonderful. You could feel Yuma's member begin to throb from inside your opening, knowing very well that this was his gradual pace before an orgasm. The two of you kept going, speeding up slowly to get rid of the lust in both of you until it became too overwhelming to last any longer. Moaning his name again, you reached up and slipped your fingers in his head down towards you. "Yu- Yuma...! Ah, I think... It... It's enough...!" You said struggling to get the words out as you were out of breath and ready to scream. Yuma, who just as ready as you were, pulled his member out of you - - slowly releasing the tightness and pain that you felt from inside. The air hit against and filled your opening as soon as Yuma was completely out and your cum immediately rushed out of you in an immense orgasm. You screamed from the sensation and you faintly heard your own name being called out from above  you as Yuma released himself onto the sheets as well. Taking a deep gasp, the cold air you were thirsting for quenched your body and cooled your flushed cheeks. You were both a panting mess once you had shouts died down and Yuma fell beside you as you struggled to reclaim the air and energy that had left your body. "Don't ever whine at me again." Yuma threatened before he leaned towards you and enclosed you in his embrace.

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