004. | ☁️ | One Sword,, Two Sword

254 5 16

🗡°'°•. One Sword,,

| ☁️ - Jizzie | [ unsure? ] | Swanfeather_


Joel smiled, looking off into the sea as his ship was setting sail on the reflecting currents of the deep blue ocean water. He was a sailor, and was very proud of that. He raised a hand to he eyebrows, looking at the scene before him. He smiled to himself before a thud! was heard below. He glanced down, hearing a slight "ow.."

There, in the water, floated a woman who had long pink hair. Underneath the water, however, was a tail of shimmering hues of pink magenta and purple scales. In Joel's eyes, she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life.

Joel and the woman both gasped, being frightened by the other. Joel took a step back, as the pinkette dunked herself underwater once again. Both of which flushed a crimson red, nervous or embarrassed.

Both glanced at the other again, peeking above water, or over the edge of the boat. "...So, mermaids are real?" Joel asked, causing the ocean-lady to smile up at him, and laugh lightly, "Oh! You humans a funny! Yes, we are! I'm Lizzie, and you aren't a danger?" She asked, a nod as a response sufficing.. Joel then smiled at the lady below the ship, "I'm Joel, it's great to meet you, m'lady." He said with joking manners. Lizzie smiled at the other, slightly sharp teeth showing, "That is such an odd name, I like it." She smiled triumphantly.

Joel smiled, raising a brow, "You seem nice?" He was asking, mostly to himself. Lizzie nodded, a thumbs up visible above the water, "Yup! Well- At least, I think I am-" She smiled nervously, flushing slightly.

Ooh, don't embarrass yourself in front of him, Lizzie! You're messing it up, keep calm, play it cool...

Lizzie smiled, almost like a slight smirk as she leaned against the boat, "Yeah, I mean, I'm cool and all," She cracked, a goofy smile finding its way atop the neutralized one. Joel smiled at the other, "You seem very cool, Lizzie." He watched as her hair flowed above and under the water, a coral crown place ontop of her head, "Thank you," She smiled shyly, arms and hands holding herself close.

Joel smiled before hearing another sailor call out his name, "All hands on deck, sailor!" They said before rushing off. Joel frowned, sighing, "Well... Until we meet again, Lizzie. It was nice meeting you, but I have to go." He stated, slowly standing as the other huffed, splashing water onto the side of the boat, "I hope to see you around, Joel. You are a wonderful human," She smiled before dunking herself under the water currents, disappearing into the depths of the deep, dark ocean.

That was a first for the both of them; Joel's first interaction with a mermaid, and Lizzie's first interaction with a live human. Both enjoyed it, and truly hoped to see the other again, eventually.



Idk if this was good at all- idk how to write Mermaid aus that well, so I apologize :'D Anyways, I hope you enjoyed nonetheless-!
This one was really short :'>

Two swords,, 🗡'°•.🗡°'°•.

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