We never left the house. The door stayed closed and the windows were kept shut.
I didn't dare to look outside. I knew there was nothing but blood and sorrow out there.
Arabella hardly ate. She told me that I was more worthy of surviving. She was like this everyday. And, everyday I loved her for it. She cared about me so much and always tried to make me have hope even when she was scared. I always reminded her of my promise. It gave her comfort and it made her smile. Seeing her smile everyday was enough for me to continue living. She was all I needed. We laughed together even though the world was falling apart. I cherished every moment I had with her. I knew that she loved me and she knew that I loved her.
I looked into her eyes, trying to ignore the dark circles that started to form under them. I tried to ignore the lump in my throat when I saw a bump on her arm for the first time.
The first day, she asked me what I would do if I had life eternal. I told her that I would spend every last moment with her if I had it.
The second day, she asked me to dance with her. We danced while I listened to the sounds of her heavy breathing.
The third day, I saw her smile again. She said that I had nothing to worry about and that everything was going to be okay. I smiled back.
As far as we know, life eternal doesn't exist. We can hope it does but the sad reality is that it's just not possible. You go down paths and you make decisions that turn into the outcome of how your life turns out in the end. I wouldn't say I regretted my choices. I knew that no matter what I did, I couldn't help it. I couldn't stop it. I could only listen and watch as death surrounded me.
Now, I sit here next to her lifeless body. Her hands are cold yet I hold onto them tight. I smile as I stare at her, remembering the promise I made to her. I find myself hoping that I see her in the next life knowing that I would fall in love with her all over again.
With tears in my eyes...
I pull the trigger.