ch 5 friendship

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Clive's pov

It's been a week since our market visit. And our relationship has taken a turn for good. We help each other out while cooking and spend time together like good old friends. At first Xander had a cold attitude towards me and didn't talk as much but still helped me out with the household chores.

Yesterday while we were just chattering about everyday things he told me about his family and his greedy maniac father. His father neglected him and his mother and only focused on money and power. .He doesn't care about the sufferings of his pack members. His father hated Xander for having slow growth spurt and would always say things like ' alphas should be strong and tall since young '.
Xander told me he wanted to gain the trust of his pack members and become an alpha. I even asked him why was an alpha's son sent to fight in the war. His answer really shocked, so apparently his father found out that Xander is becoming more and more influencial among the pack members and so his father send him to the war.It was absolutely ridiculous how can a father send his own child to war.

The reason for our increasing friendship maybe because of the fact we both suffer from really bad nightmares and have found comfort in each other's company at night. I walked across the pack boundary as I cleaned the area. Yeah that's the job my Alpha has assigned me with. I also needed to hunt some prey so that me and Xander can have something for breakfast. It is still early in the morning and Xander might be sleeping.  I blushed while thinking about my mate though I haven't told him yet. He is cute and sexy at the same time. I like how he pretends that he knows everything but fails at the simplest tasks like peeling potatoes. Though he has learnt a few cooking skills now.

I wandering around the forest trying to smell some prey for breakfast. I have asked Xander to stay inside the house at all times because I never know when my bullies will come to stir trouble for me. They have been awfully quiet for a few weeks might be because of the ongoing war but I still can't drop my guard. I stopped in my tracks as I smelt a deer. It is a lucky day, I soundlessly transformed into my wolf form and hid behind the bushes. The deer was still unaware of my presence and I can use it to my advantage. My parents have taught me how to hunt since I was three and I was good at it. I quietly rise from the bush I was hiding behind and lunged towards the unaware baby deer. It tried to dodge the attack but it was too late. I bit his neck and soon his blood seeped into my grey fur. I changed to my human form and pulled my clothes from where I left them.

I reached my home, to my mate. Though we both did not have much I still felt a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach and hoped one day we'll both peacefully reside together in our small home. But I knew it wouldn't be possible with his birthday coming I have to plan his escape accordingly.

I have been using scent blockers to avoid other wolves from detecting my mate and also it would be more comfortable for me to not breathe in his heavy pheromones. I enter my house and find my mate waiting for me in the kitchen counter. He smiled when he saw me which made my heart beat faster.

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