ch 10 new life

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Clive's pov

6 months ago,I ran away from my pack and ended up being carried away by the river stream. When I opened my eyes I found myself in an unfamiliar surrounding. I tried focusing my blurry eyes and observe the room I was in. It was a small room  with a bed and a desk filled with all sorts of stuffs but what caught my eye was the shiny camera on the table and lots of photographs clustered in the table. I tried smelling to sense other werewolves but all I could  smell was the pungent scent of medicine and disinfectants. I tried raising my arm but it hurt like hell. As I noticed my body was covered with scratches and wound that explains the strong scent of medicine.

As I was trying to adjust my body to get out of the bed my mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts
Was I caught by my pack?
Did I fail to get away?
Was I gonna be sold to some pervert?

But I knew my pack well enough to understand they would never treat me in such a nice room and keep me unshackled.

Another thought crossed my mind ~
Was I recused by my mate ?
I dearly hoping this was the case because I could feel myself becoming cheerful with the thought of seeing him again and be able to feel his warmth.

I heard footsteps outside my door as I waited expectantly for someone to open the door. The door opened with a creak as I eyed the person entering the room. My eyes became dull knowing it wasn't my mate who entered. The intruder chuckled seeing my face as he spoke smilingly but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

" Am I not the one you expected to see when you woke up?"

I turned my head and puckered my lips as I knew he was teasing me. He looked like he was in his early thirties dark back hair mixed with streaks of silver. His face had a few wrinkles with a few grown stubbles. He was wearing glasses that framed his angular face. I kept looking at him blankly.

"Ignoring your savior I see, good deeds are not appreciated in today's world"

He said while wiping a fake tear from his eyes.

"Stop acting all dramatic. Tell me who you are and where I am??''

I asked him while eyeing him suspiciously.

" Geez so rude. Anyways don't move much you will hurt yourself. The name's Walter and you are currently staying at my house. And you were unconscious for three whole days. Anyways now that you are awake your healing will be much faster"

He answered. I was asleep for three days!

"Well which pack am I in? How long was I unconscious? Where did you find me? Why am I injured? Why -"

"Stop"Before I could complete myself Walter interrupted me.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he moved his spectacles up and frowned deeply.

''Look I have work to attend so I can't wait here all day answering your questions. My mate Amy will be arriving any minute now from grocery shopping. Ask her what you want to know"

Walter turned without waiting for my reply and took the shiny camera and some other stuff and papers,  filling them inside his backpack and left closing the door behind him with a loud sound.

I sighed and decided to rest a little to improve my healing. That's the best choice I have right now.

As I felt my eyelid getting heavy as I drifted to sleep in the comfort of the warm blankets.

Xander was cooking in kitchen as I just sitting around on the chair admiring his wide shoulders and lean but strong muscular arms. I got up from my chair and approached him silently from behind.

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