ch 9 escape

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Xander's pov

As I was scurrying through the forest towards my pack, I kept remembering my mate and what had just happened. I could feel the anger radiating from my wolf and all I wanted was to turn back take Clive with me.

But I still needed to secure some power in my pack. I was feeling sad and rejected but kept moving on towards my pack. If I can defeat Clive's pack in the war, I can make him be with me for the rest of his life.

Clive's pov

He would have crossed halfway through the forest. Maybe I should have left with him. No time to think now, it's best for both of us to live separately. As I neared towards my cabin I remembered all the time spent by us in our own little world.

I felt my wolf whine for his mate, tears prickling down my face. All the negative thoughts clouding my mind. As I was close enough to my cabin I could sense the scent of three wolves. I wiped my tears and started sniffing the air to identify the scents. It was Adrian and his friends, but why are they here. Did they notice something earlier. What should I do now...

As I was approaching closer, they all turned towards me with a sneer and I was getting more nervous. Adrian was the first one to break the staring as he walked closer to me and grabbed my hair and pulled it backwards. I hissed in pain. As I peered into his eyes I could tell that he knew about Xander's presence.

"Slut trying to run away with it's lover huh?"
He growled while still pulling my hair .
"Were we not enough to satisfy you cheap whore"
Said Cole as he moved closer.
"Who was he?" Adrian commanded using his beta voice.

So they did not know Xander's identity I sighed in relief. I refused to speak up as I don't want to give in to their commands. For the first time I was feeling rebellious and free maybe it was because after leaving my mate, I had nothing much left.

"Fuck"exclaimed Matt as he moved closer towards my face. He smirked which looked much like an evil grin. He exchanged glances with the other two as he said

" Maybe the little bitch needs to taught some discipline"

I felt a chill down my spine as I anxiously looked at Adrian.

" What are you scared now. Just tell us where in hell you were in the middle of the night" Adrain said as he loosened his grip on my hair.

Seeing that I was unwilling to open my mouth they just nodded glancing each other. I felt Adrian's grip on my hair loosen as he sighed and continued,

"You leave us no choice Clive but to take you to the alpha "

" For what" I asked confused, for all I remember the alpha wouldn't even remember I existed. And seeing him only gives me an eerie feeling like something's gonna go horribly wrong.

"Well you know our pack needs more resources to win against shadow claw pack (Xander's pack), So the alpha decided to sell you off to the neighbouring pack"

"Which one?" I asked panicked the only other neighbouring pack was the Midnight pack which was bad news for me because the alpha of that pack was middle aged bald geezer who has the weirdest kinks. I waited for his answer and I squirmed where I stood hoping this all to be a joke.

" You know which one" he answered.

My heart just dropped. And my pupils dilated , I could feel my heavy breathing. I broke out of my trance when I felt Adrian dragging me by the arm towards the pack house. I started protesting but I knew I was no match for them.

"Quit moving around. You should have behaved when you were asked to" Matt sneered.

As we reached the pack house I could smell the disgusting stench of the apha which made my stomach churn.
Adrain still was dragging me towards the alpha's room.

As soon we entered I was tossed onto the floor and I could hear the sound of alpha's shoe approaching. His shoes stopped right in front of me. I looked up to see his hypocritical smile. And he raised his hand and harshly hit my cheek.

"Where were you going and who was with you?" He said while anger was radiating out of his body.

I kept looking down in silence not wanting to entertain him. I knew it wouldn't matter even if I said something.

"Answer me boy. Don't test my patience. I AM YOUR ALPHA"

His pheromones intensified and I started feeling uncomfortable and frightened. My wolf kept telling me to bare my neck to alpha but I ignored it and looked up to lock eyes with the alpha and stated

" You are no Alpha to me "

This time it was Adrian who pushed my head down as he growled angrily trying to threaten me into submission.

"Leave him Adrian I think he needs to learn his place. Gift him to Midnight pack's alpha tomorrow morning. We need to focus on winning the war first."

The alpha then grabbed my chin making me look up to him as he sneered.

"I think he would love training someone like you and finally you can contribute something useful to the pack"

I could hear Adrian chuckling in the background as he spoke

" I think his ass would also enjoy satisfying the old man's kinks"

I internally cringed hearing his words but maintained a calm front.

I heard the alpha order the other three to lock me up in the cellar. I felt Matt's arms lift me up and drag me out of the room. I scrunched my nose as the pungent smell of the cellar reached my nose. I could hear the water dripping from broken pipe and squishing sound of under my shoes. They opened the nearest empty cellar and dumped me in . I could hear them snickering and mocking me.

" Well we might have to find someone else to relieve ourselves. Goodbye Clive hope you enjoy your days with Alpha Houston."

Adrian commented as he put his behind his slightly leaning with a cocky grin on his lips. Alpha Houston was the name of the old geezer

"Well I hope you do miss us"Matt said. As all three started walking away.

After I could no longer hear their footsteps I grinned. The bars of the cellar were old and rusted hence they could be easily be broken. I looked around the cluttered room and found pieces of the broken wall. I picked of them up and moved towards the lock. I had to do this quick or else I probably be beaten and sold that kinky old man. I charged at the lock with full force a few times and it finally cracked open. I needed to escape through the least guarded route. I let my wolf out and we made a run for it. I could feel the moist mud under my paws as I trotted towards the nearby forest. Because of the war most warriors are tired and slack up on the security which I could use my advantage. As I was running through the forest I could hear the howls of my packmates.

I knew I was discovered and had to run faster or else I would get caught.
I could feel a two wolf behind me. As I stopped immediately as the dead end. It was a fast flowing river. I growled at the two wolves who were slowly emerging from the bushes. I knew I couldn't tackle two well built wolves. Without thinking twice I jumped into the river. Maybe this was my only way to freedom from this trashy pack.
My thoughts were filled with Xander as it would be the time I saw him. I was half drowning as I could see the angry faces of the wolves. I was flowing with the fast river current without control as I could see black spots in my vision. Slowly I lost my consciousness.

Thank you guys for worrying about me and I am sorry for not uploading because my life's been falling apart  and things aren't going that smoothly lately. Anyways I appreciate all the love and support. I thank you from the bottom my heart 💗💗

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