ch 11 unexpected suprise

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Clive's pov

I have been working with Walter for 3 years now. Though he looks cranky and unwilling like a lonely grumpy old grandpa. He still teaches me how to do the job. And I am grateful for it. Though Walter mostly criticizes my work he still looks pleasantly pleased with it.

Working with him has taught me a lot of things about photos and videos. Walter mostly travels from pack to pack for work related business. He clicks all sorts of photographs sometimes for wedding and sometimes for news, well he does whatever his clients ask him to do. One time he even agreed to photograph some shady business of gang members for money. We almost got caught by them. I have been travelling with him as his assistant and he isn't the nicest boss there is.

Working for him is hectic and unpredictable. Well atleast he let's me still allows me to live in his home for free. He and Amy make me feel like I am living with my parents. They both are kind hearted individuals and I like spending time with them. Except the times when they make out when they feel like it. Sometimes I have to lock myself in room as to avoid their love making sessions. Though it's good to see them living happily in each other's presence. Would me and Xander be the same.

I broke out of my chain of thoughts as I noticed Walter looking at me. Today we got a job to photograph new actor who frequents the famous club - "Phantom". I heard from Walter that's it's a high end club for members only. People going there are either super rich or powerful gang members. So we can't afford to get ourselves too much spotlight. Anyways I'll just be on the sidelines. I don't even know how Walter got the waiter's uniform here. We put on the eye mask just like other waiters here. It's good with the mask on atleast our identities won't get revealed. I was still feeling nervous while Walter was acting like he's been working here for ages. Well he's dedicated to get his work done by hook or crook. I still can't get over the decorations and all these customers with fancy clothing. They all look influential. As I stroll around the hallways awkwardly scanning the place. I see Walter waving towards me. I walk over to him.

"Can you act more normally? Anyways the target should be in the last two rooms because I saw him walking over there. You check the room on the right I'll check the one on left."

Walter explained I nodded dubiously

"But how can I just casually walk in. And what should I even do if I see him!" I exclaimed

"Just take some wine into the room silly. You just have to take his picture sneakily doesn't matter if it's blurred, the crazy fan would identify even his shadow. Just remember don't engage with anyone and don't react if you see something weird. Just call me when you are done."
I nodded at his statement still unsure.

Well it's just a photo what could go wrong. The crazy fan was the person who paid a hefty amount to get a private photograph of their idol. Crazy people go to this extent. Well what I know the target is a rising actor, Lee Smith, whose father runs an underground loan and drug business. Well I heard they are the sort of people you won't wanna mess with.The mafia businesses have been long since operating under the noses of common people and they are successfully gaining power and control, even many packs have helped mafia leaders in exchange of money and protection. Smith's father has connections with nearby pack alphas. And runs a entertainment company at day and Lee Smith, who entered the entered the entertainment industry using his dad's influence and backup.

Ah, what a good thing to be loaded. He debuted with his first romance drama and soon rose to fame. I soon moved my gaze towards the rooms at the end of the hallways. I get my secret camera ready pinned at my breast pocket. Hopefully he won't notice. I don't even know whom he would be meeting with. Would he be meeting with scary buff scarred gangster men like those in movies or some drug addict friends from entertainment industry. I feel anxiety rising from within as I try recalling Walter's words about ' not engaging and reacting' what does he mean would I witness someone having horizontal tango. That would be the worst scenario. As suddenly spot a waiter taking wine towards the room I was suppose to go in. I quickly dashed towards the waiter. As I stopped him panting a little. The waiter had a confused look on his face. As I hesitated on what to say

"Umm... The manager is wants to speak to you I will deliver this you can go first."

As I stretched my hand forward and eyed him hesitantly not knowing whether he believed in my poor excuse. Luckily, he looked a little uncertain at first but handed me the tray and walked away first. I sighed and faced the door. I felt my heart beat rise swiftly. Is it because I am nervous or I ran here. My wolf was also pacing around in my mind. I took a deep breath to calm myself. Who would he be with? Some other actor friends or having fun with some omega. I shifted my attention towards my task. It's going to easy just go in and out, I tried convincing myself. I moved my hand towards the door handle. Mustered up  my courage and slowly opened the door.

That's when the intoxicating scent of forest hit me. I scrunched my nose as I felt fuzzy. My mind went blank. Because I knew very well to whom the scent belongs to. My eyes wandered around the dimly lit room. Trying to spot the source of the smell. As I locked eyes with my mate sitting comfortably on the couch in all his glory. I could tell he has identified me as well. I felt so many emotions swirl in his deep black eyes. He looked a lot muscular and taller than before. I ogled at his body as he was doing the same.  How can somebody change so much in such a short time. Not that he wasn't attractive before. He was always beautiful, my alpha. I noticed a beautiful tall girl sitting right beside him. They looked quite close. She was looking like a model dirty blonde hair amber eyes and sharp features and a beta. I felt a little ache at my heart as my wolf wanted to tear her from our mate's side.I continued to stare at them until I was interrupted by someone's deliberate coughing. I quickly moved from eyes from my mate and took notice off my surroundings. There were a few bulky men standing in the corner wearing dark black suit and sunglasses. They were probably all bodyguards.

But why was Xander here, with this Lee guy out of people. I noticed a few other alphas sitting. They all looked serious and were staring at me cautiously. Did I disrupt some important discussion? They all looked somewhat influential and important. But why was my mate with them here. Did he get caught up with the mafias? My thoughts starting racing quickly. I could make out Xander also having a complicated and suprised expression on his face. Well he certainly wouldn't have expected to meet his mate ever again also not here in this situation out of the possibilities. He was white shirt folded till his foremans. I could see his muscles bulging out from his clothes. He was oozing a dominantimg aura. I gulped as I felt my face getting red as a tomato. I was brought out of my trance by a chill and deep voice.

"Are you getting paid to stand and peek at alphas?" 

I shifted towards the owner of the voice. It was my target Lee Smith. He was looking at me with disgust. I flinched and made my way towards the table and made sure to keep my body facing towards Mr Smith so my camera would easily capture him. As I moved closer to the table I could smell the strong scent of the other alphas present there. I shivered subconsciously as I still felt a little uncomfortable around alphas especially dominant ones. I muttered a apology and quickly dashed out of the room without glancing back at my mate. I don't know how I could face him. Would he reject me now because he already found someone?Would he be angry after what I did? They do look good together. She might be the right choice for him.

I quickly made my way towards the washroom as I stood there without my mask splashing cold water on my face. Calming my persisting thoughts. That's when I heard the door opening. I glanced at the person who entered - Xander.

My thoughts began racing again as I backed without knowing. He started walking towards me. As I felt my back touch the cold wall of the washroom and found myself cornered. I looked ahead at Xander who slowly approached me. He was looming over me. I felt so tiny in his presence yet so safe. It was the comfort that I missed throughout the years. As he slowly reached his hand, I looked at him without blinking. In the next second I found myself in buried in his chest as he embraced me in a crushing hug. It felt warm and safe. I reached my hand and wrapped them tightly around his neck not wanting to separate again. I could feel my wolf happily jumping around. I felt his nose around my neck as he deeply took on my scent. I shivered a little. I felt him placing a soft kiss on my nape which sent sparks throughout my whole back. I could feel his hands moving around my back clenching me tightly as to never let go. I found feel myself surrounded by his scent. He was releasing his pheromones without control. I felt my head go dizzy as my instincts wanted me to touch my mate more.


Hii, since I'll be getting a little more free time now I'll try to be regular more often. I suck at writing so please bear with me. Also sorry if you don't like time skips. Thank for reading ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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