More Late Guests!

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*Crash* *Bam* *Clang*

"Ow! What the hell!?"

"Where the fuck are we!?"

"Whoa! You alright!?"

Kim Min Ah groaned as she rubbed the back of her head, as she had hit face-first onto the ground. She felt someone gently grab her arm and saw her lover, Bae Puh Rum, help her up to sit on the cold, metal floor. She also felt a light tug on her sleeve to see her little girl, Bae Eun Soo, looking worriedly for her mother.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm alright." Kim Min Ah reassured Bae Eun Soo, stroking her daughter's head. In the corner of her eye, she saw her friend, Jung So Hoon, hurriedly approach them along with the members of their company.

"Where the fuck is this?"

Kim Min Ah turned to the source of the gruff voice and frowned when she saw that it was Lee Chul Min, as she did not have a good opinion on him.

The guild leader was quickly assessing the situation after calming down his team.

They were in a spacious white room that was more than wide enough to fit in the people that had been probably teleported here. No one knew how they got here. One moment they were in the middle of a monster hunt and then the next second, they were here.

"Hello, hello, my precious guests~!"

Many of the Koreans flinched when a high-pitched female voice rang the entire room. They looked around, they saw no loudspeakers anywhere, just a simple, white room with absolutely nothing in it besides the occupants. There was a single door, but it was locked and wouldn't budge even when they attempted to kick it down. Is it an ability?

"Who are fuck are you!? Come out from wherever the hell you are!" One of the more hot-blooded members of Lee Chul Min's team yelled. However, he realized that his gun was nowhere to be seen. His confusion was quickly noticed by the other Koreans and they quickly tried to ready their weapons, only to find that they were gone.

"Sorry, but no violence~!" The voice sounded way too jovial, "Don't worry, I'll come out now!"

A moment later, a bright light shone from the center of the room with the Koreans immediately backing away from it.

Once the glow subsided, it revealed a teenage girl with long white hair and blue eyes, wearing a casual blue sweater in which the sleeves seemed a bit too long for her arms, as her hands were barely visible. She also wore black leggings and white boots.

The teenage girl struck a dramatic pose, "Name's Alpha! And before you ask, yes, I'm your kidnapper!"


"What do you want?" Lee Chul Min went straight to the point, his patience thinning at the strangeness of the situation. Kim Min Ah was actually surprised that he stepped forward first, since he had been such a coward back then. She supposed becoming a guild leader finally forced him to learn responsibility.

Alpha raised her hands in a placating gesture, though she obviously still looked amused, "Now, now. No need to get all violent like you usually did to the late Kim Rok Soo." She gleefully ignored his flinch, along with the heightened suspicion of everyone else at her mention of the deceased Ability-user, "Anyway, I kidnapped all of you here because eventually, the fate of your world is gonna collide with another and it's not a good thing because it would mean total destruction that is even worse than the start of the Cataclysm years ago."

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