Author's Note

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I have just realized something and I really need feedback from my beloved readers.

It wouldn't be Cale if he didn't have many dragons and higher beings joining his party, right?

Should I add Dvalin or Osial (I haven't played Inazuma and Sumeru yet so i dunno if there are more deities to add from there) in his party?

I know it's already a bit late for them to appear, but I could just say another OC god needed their help first with some random request and that's why they're not with the Teyvat group in the beginning.

Also, I kinda want to split Cale and Lumine up during the Temple Quests, because considering the little manpower Mondstadt and there would be little time left before Stormterror attacks again, it would be more logical to split the groups.

I'm a bit stuck on choosing between Lisa and Kaeya, but I'm leaning towards Kaeya because of a certain fellow redhead lol.

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