7: Y/n

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It's been few weeks since that happen, yea the day where I got touched without my permission by my own husband

Not that only but He also fucks some other women behind my back too and now probably even after me knowing that

I have been feeling like shit and his last words keep ringing in my ears "You can't give yourself to me.. and you still want me to not go to other women.."

"That's it.. Mark my words.. you'll be the one next time begging me to touch you and fuck you y/n... And I will Not."

And so on he didn't leave any way to ignore me and torture me with his silence

It's not like he talks to me on daily basis or something but

Even the two words he used to say to me he don't, it's like I'm invisible to him

Just some routine full days, and in the end of the day when it's finally time to sleep

He chooses to sleep on the couch leaving me alone on the bed

I don't know what to do

Maybe it's true, 'if you know how to please your Man, he will never cheat on you at the first place'

So the one unloved person in me fell for it, maybe it's just i want to feel loved atleast once in my life

The love and care, my step parents couldn't give me, maybe just maybe.. him?

Him? My actually Rude husband

Shaking off those thoughts, i bit onto my bottom lip as i stared at the tortilla I'm making

Without realising it's gonna burn any time soon "ohh shit" cursing under my Breathe i turned it to the other side as i sigh in relief as it's not burn

Hey! atleast not that much okay.

Bitting on my bottom lip, i continued digging in my thoughts

Maybe if I gave myself to him just maybe he wouldn't go to other women

It's so damn awkward to even look him in the face, how I'm gonna tell him to actually have me?

I Flinched hard as the main door opens and closes, tilting my neck to side i frozed

As i was met up with a mind blowing view

He walks in with a girl, her arms are wrapped around his neck while his face is still poker yet i can see his red dark doe eyes, probably drunk

She clings on to him she is not the same as the one that was here last time, her exposed cleavage disgusted me as her shirt dress is pulled up slightly showing how much of a slut she is

My hands clutched tight into my clothes as i stood there flaming yet hurt visible on my features, i bit my inner lips while i couldn't stop gazing at him

My heart raced few seconds more and it'll shatter into pieces

He walks inside with her as she mumbles to him something and giggles

While he kept quietly walked, his long hairs pushed back

What should I do?.. stop him? And ?

Turning off the gas, i moved out of the kitchen as i spit my anger out

"Jungkook" i called him out as he stopped on his track, the girl was quick enough to turn her head as her lips forms an O as she stared at me up and down

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