52: Jungkook & Y/n

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“If love was supposed to hurt?
will you be still with me?”


Play the one and only theme song of our book 💗
“Those eyes”

-Her pov-

Blankly staring at the mirror I heard him talking about how he's going to have war with his own father

Which could either give him a win or death.

"Yes.. I'm on my way out.. everything arranged?.. I want nothing to go wrong.. hm.. over and out"

I fiddled with my hands staring at his back on the mirror as he sats down on the edge of the bed wearing his boots, Ready with his west, armour and guns.

My heart raced when he slowly stood up, glancing at me for the last time with affection in his orbs and then he clears his throat hiding his feelings before walking towards the. Door

"J-jung-kook.." I called him out with hesitation, he stopped on the doorway without turning to me or uttering anything

Like he knows what i want to say, my hands were shivering, chest feeling that uneasiness

With lots of difficulties and nervousness, I spoke.

"P-please d-don't fight-" he turned to me with bloodshot eyes making me shutup as he walked towards me

"You know nothing y/n, it would be much better if you stay away from this mess... Or else I don't know what I'll do but I can guarantee that you won't like it-"

"N-no I heard it... You're about to fight with your own father, it's not good j-jungkook.. you should solve it out with a calm mind-"


He yelled at me making me flinch Badly while he was dangerously close to me, i can see the anger and hatred in his eyes not for me But for his father.

I wonder what could be the reason ? By which he is angered. Burning and thundering like those saddened Sky, By which it have triggered a point in him?

He stopped while slightly trembling in rage holding a gun on his left grip, my eyes are already filled with tears

"Y-you shouldn't make any decisions so fast-" before i could complete.

A rough and hard grip was placed on my forearm, I watched as he moved closer to me with rage in his orbs towering over me, with sudden surprise I was pinned to the wall behind, his Painful grip on my forearm didn't lessened anytime soon.

I watched his anger filled orbs, speaking things we can understand without speaking anything.

"Do not speak a word to me right now y/n, we both will regret it" with that being said he gave a last squeeze to my forearm and back away, he avoided my eyes

As he turns around and leaves the room, I stood there my head slowly resting on the wall behind

He doesn't even want to listen to me, his anger has raised so much that he forgots who are his people and who are not

I wiped off the tears, I'm not a weak b!tch, this time I'll confront him it's not time to ignore these complications between us these arguments that lead to worse Things between us. Just not now.

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