9: Jungkook

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Few minutes back..

I was in the office working on the files I had prepared with Mr park and his girlfriend, for our upcoming discussed mission, when out of the sudden..


I shot my head up, as the door of my office banged opens and my right hand men enters the room with flushed yet panicked state

"What the Fu?-"

"SIR!! Team Jeon Jungwoos are out to attack one of our Main mansion! We don't know exactly why but we assume it's for the Top secret file!!"

"I.. i fucking knew it, he won't back away this easily.. GO! TELL THE BANGTAN TO REACH THE FIRST MANSION!"

Jumping off of my seat while removing my coat as i ran to wear the vests and get the guns with the team

Running out of the office with the team, i made our way to my parents place driving at full speed followed by 6 lambos and 6 vans with our army's And Main members

"Jeon you should be on the bottom"

Kim namjoon the eldest among us, spoke through the Bluetooth earphones and we followed slowing down i let Kim namjoon take over with Min yoongi and Park Jimin

And then there's I, after me The Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok and Kim Seokjin is in the position

The cars took turns to the mansion as Kim Taehyung spoke to all of us

"Why do I feel like.. The file is not the target ?"

My brain stops for a minute until it suddenly starts to think if not the file or what he can go after? To get me to him?

Just to get his past Revenge ?


"B-But.. WHY!?" His eyes holding pure rage and hate to his own parents as he banged his fist on the discussion table

Jeon jungwon Aka Jeon jungkook's and Jeon Jungwoos father raised his eyebrows at his oldest son

"That's my last and final decision.. no objection.. got it?"

"But i did the hardwork too!! To get this fucking position!-"

"Silence, And no words"

Both jeons father spoke, with the ability to just shove his gun down on his elder sons throat

For the way he dared to Talk to him

The eldest son couldn't believe what was happening to him, being the eldest son got him nothing

But always told what to do, while the second the youngest son was Always on top tier

That's what he thought of

"Once my decision is declared no one.. no one can take it down.. I chose Jeon jungkook for the leadership cause he has the quality to kill someone or make any terrible choice in seconds.. and i have my own thoughts included.. over and out."

The elder spoke with dead eyes, no one can take down the words of the biggest mafia who was a mafia for his whole life

But only if he knew the true thoughts of his father to make the youngest son leader of the mafia community

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