Not a Date (3)

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The room was too bright. I sat up with a groan, my head spinning as I grabbed onto it, moaning loudly. Looking around, I nearly scrambled out of the bed, seeing Greyson lying next to me.

"What the hell?" Mumbling, I looked over at the easel near the bed then back to the man that was sleeping soundly. We were at my studio. My head felt like it was going to explode. Lying back down, I rolled onto my side, watching the man next to me. His face was completely relaxed, his lips slightly parted. His long dark lashes fluttered slightly as he twitched in his sleep.

His eyes slowly opened as he looked up at me, confusion in his eyes for a brief moment before he smiled. "Good morning beautiful."

"Can you tell me why we are in my studio?" I asked curiously as he sat up and stretched. His long arms reached high into the air as his back arched, each muscle on his body rippling in the sexiest of ways. He was stunning. His hair was a mess, the perfect bed head hair and I found my fingers twitching as I fought back the urge to run them through it.

Relaxing once more, he laid back down and stared at me, smiling softly. "You don't remember calling me, do you?"

Dammit. Now that he had said it, I did. Motherfucker. Drunk Roxy was an idiot. "I do but how did we end up here?"

"The vultures were out in full force last night and you were passed out and couldn't tell me your address. I figured this was a safe bet. Your keys were in your purse, and I didn't want to leave you in case you woke up in the morning in a panic." He shrugged a shoulder as if it was the most logical explanation ever.

"And you changed me." I pointed at the oversized t-shirt that was draped over my tiny frame. "Why?"

He looked over toward the chair that had my dress that I had worn last night hanging over it. "Honestly, when I laid you down, your dress was having a hard time containing your..." His voice trailed off as his eyes lowered to my chest. "I was trying to be a gentleman and having that view was making it very difficult."

For the first time in my entire life, without understanding why, I felt myself blush. My cheeks and chest began to heat up as my teeth tugged at my lip and I turned my head away to break our eye contact. Greyson's hand landed on my knee, and I looked down at where his skin was touching my bare flesh. It was an innocent touch, but it had my mind racing and my heart pounding inside my chest.

I still couldn't figure out why I reacted the way that I did when it came to this man. With my head still down, my eyes flitted over to meet his, my breath catching. He was staring at me with so much intensity, it truly felt like my body was about to burst into flames.

"You shouldn't look at me like that." His voice was much lower than normal, barely above a whisper as our eyes connected. My eyes shut as I inhaled deeply, trying to keep my emotions at bay.

I felt this sudden overwhelming urge to just lie there, wrapped up in his arms. Cuddling was something that I had never done with another man other that Elijah. I didn't see the point in it. And yet, in this moment, I wanted that more than anything. When I felt his hand move off my knee, the tiniest whimper of protest escaped before I could stop it.

My head was still spinning from the hangover, and I gasped loudly when I felt my body being pulled down onto the bed against his. His arms wrapped around me from behind as he pressed his face into my neck, sighing softly. It was such a normal gesture for most people but for myself it was one of the most intimate things I had ever experienced.

"Relax, Rox." Whispering, he hooked a leg over mine, pulling my body tight to his so that every inch of the back of my body was pressed against his front. "You're so tense."

Playing Mr. Perfect (18+)Where stories live. Discover now