Crossing Lines (6)

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Hiding my fear, I walked down the hallway toward the door, opening it slowly. The last person I wanted to see right now was Jack. “Oh.” My surprise was clear as I swung the door open to see Greyson standing there, his grey sports car shimmering in the sun behind him.

He looked back at his car then at me, before realization set in. I had never seen him drive anything before. Every time he came, he was with Jack in the town car. “Just me today. Come on.”

Before I could protest, he had my hand in his, pulling me toward the car. Digging in my heels, I leaned back, shaking my head. “I don’t know what you’re doing but if you think I am going anywhere with you, you are gravely mistaken.”

He laughed, releasing me slowly so I didn’t fall before darting around me. I felt the keys being pulled from my pocket before I even knew what was happening. I chased after him, but he planted his feet, holding his ground as he stood close to the door, locking it before spinning around.

“You will get the keys back when we are done.” Side stepping my tiny frame, he walked over to the car and opened the passenger door, staring at me expectantly, one brow raised in the cockiest of ways. Why in the hell did I find that so sexy? “Get in, Sleeping Beauty.”

After standing there for several minutes, I let out a huff and stormed over to the car, getting into the passenger seat. I wasn’t in the mood to fight with him. Not today. I just didn’t have it in me.

He closed my door softly before walking around the front of the car. My eyes followed each movement he made, admiring his frame and rippling muscles beneath his tight shirt. He was wearing a simple black t-shirt and faded jeans. Even that looked sexy on him. In comparison to my jean shorts and oversized t-shirt, he was dressed up as far as I was concerned.

Opening the driver’s door, he easily slid into the front seat, closing the door and starting the engine. It roared to life, followed by a deep purr that even I could admire. I knew nothing about vehicles but that was one hundred percent a sexy sound. The corner of his mouth pulled upwards as he glanced sideways at me. “You might want to put on your seatbelt.”

Just as it clicked into place, the car squealed out of the parking lot and onto the street. He immediately took the first off ramp, his foot pushing down harder as we approached the open road.

Giddiness overtook me as a smile broke out over my face. He turned the song up that was playing, and I instantly began to sing along. “This is my favorite song!” I shouted during an instrumental break, and he nodded knowingly, singing along with me at the top of his lungs as the lyrics once again began.

I should have been scared.

But I wasn’t.

As he weaved in and out of traffic expertly, I felt myself begin to relax even more. Even though I hated to admit it, this was exactly what I needed today, especially after the phone call I had received earlier in the day.

“Shit. Sorry about this.” Greyson mumbled as he turned down the stereo and started to decelerate. “Please don’t judge me.”

The flashing lights behind me caught my attention and I felt my nerves instantly begin to rise once more. After pulling over to the side of the road, he reached into the glovebox and grabbed out papers before handing me a pair of sunglasses.

I didn’t ask. I knew it was for my sake. I put them on quickly, my head turning to look at the officer as Greyson rolled down his window. A huge broad smile took over his face as he handed what he had in his hands to the woman. “I am not going to play ignorant. You pulled me over because I was speeding. I am very sorry.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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