Chapter 14

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Peter's POV

I was standing at the door watching Skip smirk at me. The tension was beyond my understanding. What was I goanna do? I gulped and took a step back but bumped into Sky. I turned my head around and saw her face.

"Skip! There's someone here to see you" Sky said and waved at a tall lady outside the house door. Skip quickly peeped outside the window and huffed. He wore his jacket and went down to meet the lady.

Me and sky followed him and stood quietly at the bottom of the stairs. I sat on one of the steps and watched Skip arguing. "You didn't have to come here" he said to the lady that hasn't even taken a step inside the house. "Yeah...I don't have too, but you haven't payed my bills" the tall lady said. "Mom! I told you I will pay them as soon as I get money" Skip said and I gasped. It was his mom. I didn't know he had one. "I gave you one week at its best and this is what you tell me. You are a disgrace to our family Skip! You understand! I am glad what your dad did to you!" His mother said and I saw Skip punch the fragile window.

"You gotta pay for that asshole" Sky yelled at him. I wouldn't say much as this house belongs to Sky. "Will you both just shut up!" Skip screamed. He looked at me and gave me a death stare. I stood up and hid behind Sky. "Look I will give you...just give me a day" he said and the lady was not buying it. "12 hours! That's the least I can do" she said and slapped her son. She then stormed into her car and went away.

I would like to go with her. At least it's better than staying with this guy. Skip slammed the door and went to grab a beer bottle from the fridge. Sky sat quietly on the coach and I sat on the step again. I don't want to be near Skip. He was probably screaming inside his mind and ready to burst at any moment. I hate it. I want to get out of here. But how?

I leaned against one of the stair rail and listened to the angry outbursts the couples were having. "I don't have any money! You're using them right now, by drinking this shit everyday!" Sky yelled. "Well no shit! How about the dress you bought last week huh? Where did you get the money from?" Skip yelled. "It's my money! Who cares where it came from, what matters is you are wasting them on this...and also the betting" Sky yelled again. Skip got angry and threw the beer bottle on the ground.

I watched the liquid stain the carpet promptly. I closed my eyes and could hear Skip's voice getting louder and louder. At some point I even heard Sky crying. She was probably hurt again...maybe I am next? Who knows. I opened my eyes and see Sky lying on the floor trying to defend herself from Skip. She looked at me and I see nothing in her eyes. No pain, no pity, no anger, nothing just void. Immediately her eyes shined as if she got some idea.

"Peter!" She said and got up from the ground. "What?" Skip asked her. "Skip...peter...Tony stark asked him to come to his tower for a tour, we can tell peter to go and get money from him. I am pretty sure he would give him. He is too rich and also on top he does philanthropy" Sky said and I got up from my position. Skip smiled and slowly walked towards me. My heart started beating faster but I tried my best to stay calm. He kneeled in front of me and smirked.

" are of some use. Aunt May definitely left you for that exact reason or you would have been dead by now" he says and I try my best to keep the eye contact. He kisses me on my cheeks and then goes back to his room. Sky follows Skip and they both lock the door to their room.

I put my jacket sleeves up to my palm and slightly brush it across my cheek. I didn't want to go back to my bedroom so I slept on the coach. I am not sure what was the Tony stark thing about, but I would definitely want a tour of the tower. I smiled.


Tony's POV

"I know okay...I am trying but it's hard" I said pinching the bridge of my nose. "I know Tony...but come on" Bruce said placing green skip card on top of my card. He smirked and then put a reverse card and then a Skip card again. "Uno" he said and then threw the last card which was five of green. I bit my lips and threw my cards in defeat. "You made up the rules! I am pretty sure" I said and he shrugged.

"SIR THERE IS SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO MEET YOU" Jarvis said and I got up from the dining table and stretched a bit. Who can it be? I made my way to the lift. "Don't forget to pay for the pizza!" Bruce said and I rolled my eyes. I pressed the ground floor.

The doors opened and I stepped outside the lift to see none other than Nick fury. I huffed and turned to go back but was stopped. "Where the hell you going stark?" He asked and I turned towards him and gave a cheeky smile. He talks his rubbish again. I looked around myself and tried my best to pay attention to his words but darn he talks a lot. I push the dirt of my shoes when I see a kid outside the building.


"I gotta go" I said and walked towards the main entrance where the kid glanced at the big A. "Hey" I said and he looked at me and thought for a moment. I think he was in a deep thought about something but not sure what. His facial expression began to change as if he was realizing who I was. "Omg it's Tony Stark!" He screamed and I chuckled.

"Yeah" I said and he kept staring at me for too long which made me nervous. "Do you want to come in?" I asked and he nodded vigorously.

He followed me as if I was a primary teacher giving students a tour of the museum. "Who's that?" Peter asked and I saw that he was pointing at Nick fury. "Oh...that's a pirate, he has a party tonight so he better hurry in eyepatch! Go do your business" I said and quickly grabbed Peter's hand and ran towards the lift.

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