Chapter 16

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Dante keeps us out of the crowd. He keeps us from having others to save me. He places his gun at the bottom of my spine. His fingerless gloved hand digs into my left shoulder. I've tried all I can to roll it off by every time, his fingers dug in deeper and deeper. We start to walk through a somewhat nicer part of Limbo City. A building catches my eye.

A house that could be a mansion. A small, crumbling wall surrounds the mansion. The clear windows were all broken. The glass shimmers across the dead grass like fallen snowflakes that never melted. A ripped apart wagon was spread across the yard. Green ivy creeps up the side
of the mansion like snakes in the grass. Chips off the bricks fell off from the
wall. Parts of the roof slowly fell off and onto the dead ground.

Purple and blue colors hit the corner of my eye. I slightly turn to see Akuma in the way she was before. "That's Dante's home." She comments as she looks at the abandoned building. A large smile creeps across her face. "Let's have some fun with that."

Without a second thought, Akuma starts to run. She takes me with her, making my feet run right behind her. Dante's nails rake against my shoulder. I feel the claw marks burning against my skin. It doesn't matter. I was free.

I bolt towards the abandoned mansion. I heard a gunshot fly through the air. Something shoots into my calf of my right leg. I almost drop to the ground before I pick myself up by continuing to run. I look up to see a rotting brown door blocking my way into the mansion. I ram my bleeding shoulder into the rotting, brown, tangled with ivy door.

It shatters off the hinges. I stagger, stopping in my tracks. Akuma was gone. Another gunshot. The bullet pokes a hole through the door frame. It scraps against my head, singeing my left ear. It was like a green light. I start to run again. I touch my ear and wince, telling myself that it was a stupid idea to touch my burning ear.

I run pass giant piles of pushed up floor tiles and falling apart walls. I look behind me to see if Dante was following. My foot catches something. My right knee slams into something. It shatters like glass and plunges into my knee. My side slams into the exquisite and decorative stairs. I take a moment to asset what's happening.

One last gunshot. A puff of dust flutters in front of my face. I try to crawl up the stairs. The glinting shards of glass keeps my knee from bending. I watch in fear as Dante saunters towards me. I start to bunny hop up the steps. Silver tears starts to roll down my skinny cheeks. I didn't get far up the stairs when Dante reaches me. His boot sluggishly crushes the blood staining glass farther into my knee. I wail in pain.

"What the hell are you thinking?" Dante shouts. "Running like that? You're going to get yourself killed."

My eyes, blurry from the tears, watches as Dante fades into the ghostly figure. I become stiff as the decorative stairs brake off from the exquisite tiled floor.

"Damn you!" Dante screams.

I find the strength to climb the stairs with pain shooting through my whole body. The stairs connect back to tiles. I was coming back to reality. I heard another gunshot. I thought it was the end of the shooting. The bullet hits my collarbone, more towards my right, non-bleeding shoulder. I scurry into the closest room, shutting the big and grand doors behind me. My half dead body goes in and out of Limbo. My ears are ringing. I couldn't feel my right arm. I limp to the farthest wall from the door.

I heard the doors slam against the crumbling wall behind them. My hands grope the wall for something or anything to protect myself. My hands find something smooth. I glance to see what I have found. A frame of a painting. A painting of a man. His face was hidden, scratched off so no one would know who he was. I gasp. I start to see pictures.

Mundus hanging out with a man I did not recognize. He was smiling and laughing with the other man. A voice starts to tell me something. My sister's voice. Sparta, our father's best friend, was the only friend to our father. The picture changes. The man I didn't recognize was holding a woman's hand. White wings was jammed into her back and red devil horns jutted from the man's head. Sparta fell in love with an angel. The most horrible crime for a demon to do. It changes to Mundus turning his back on the other man. Sparta and Mundus were like brothers at heart. Having a brother leaving your side, rage was brought down on Mundus like the common cold. Mundus was now towering over thousands of people. Mundus slated, raped, and tortured millions of humans. He was building an army. An army to attack Sparta, his betrayed brother.

My whole head was buzzing from either blood loss or from what just happened. The pain was splitting my head apart. My eyes opens up to the world. I was on a broken off piece of the floor. I saw the abandoned house torn to sunder. I peer over the edge to see tan clouds covering the endless ward.

I look up to see Dante standing in the doorway. He wasn't fading out. He was in Limbo with me, but he wasn't trying to kill me. He was trying to find a way to get to me.

Jump off! A voice speaks to me.

"Why would I do that?" I screech back at the voice.

You're in Limbo! The voice tries to convince me. The world will do anything to keep you safe. You
are one of Mundus's daughter carrying his other daughter.

A lone foot was dangling over the edge. My foot. I jump back. I know to never trust the mysterious voice. It never works out for me.

"Amber!" Dante shouts to me, catching me off guard. He never called me by my name. He holds up both of his hands as a sign to stop. "If you know what's good for you and your sister, you'll stop right now."

I shakily nod my head in agreement. This is better than falling to my death.

Don't listen to him. Fall now! The voice shouts.

I bring my hands to my burning ears. I try to shut the voice out. I look at Dante. One hand stays in the air to keep telling me to stop. The other one has fallen to his side. Dante was looking away from me. He was thinking of something. Thinking of a way to get to me.

He glances to see my crying eyes staring at him and my hands blocking my ears. He makes a gesture to bring my hands down. I obey and bring my hands down.

"Look, I think I can jump to you." Dante tells me. "This may seem weird but you have to trust me on this. Promise me you won't jump?"

I nod my head once more in agreement. Black smoke starts to swirl around me. It forms the figure of my sister. My heart jumps to my throat. I take a cautious step back. I knew that if I took one more
step, I was falling.

"Amber, stay there." Dante commands.

"Amber!" My sister exclaims. "Don't you want to know what happened to our mother? You just learned about our father! Why are you keeping this away from us?"

"Amber, don't listen." Dante barks out another command.

"Fall, Amber. There will be something to catch you." My sister says persuasively. A lone eye winks at me.

I shake my head 'no'. I could feel the tears coming out again. "All I wanted was to go back to my life." I plead to my sister. "To go back to college. Start a family. Do things that normal people would do. I never wanted to be dragged into this."

My sister snorts. "Sorry, sis, but you were never normal from day one."

One shove. One shove from my sister. The last thing I saw before watching the world grow smaller was the smoky figure of my sister with white angel wings behind her. I heard someone call my name but I never respond back.

The pictures come back. An angel floating in the air while a woman was holding her hands out to her. Eva was our mother's guardian angel. She watched over her. Kept her safe for years. The man with his face scratched out holding onto the angel's hand. The woman from before was a mere shadow. Until
Eva left with the betrayed brother Sparta. A very graphic photo of Mundus and our mother together. That's when Mundus attacked. He raped our mother to put a baby into her. His demon spawn of a child. What he didn't know was that there was two hearts beating inside of her stomach.

My body lands softly onto something. Feathers float up into the air before floating back down. I drift into unconscious.

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