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"Where are you going?" Jisung asked as soon as Felix started pulling Minho away after quickly talking to Chan.

"They're going home, Minho isn't feeling really well." Chan answered for them, Felix and Minho now almost out of sight. Jisung stood on to his tiptoes, then spotted Seungmin walking in front of them aswell. He hadn't even noticed the younger had stepped away. But it was clear. Seungmin was the designated driver whenever they went out with him and Felix.

"Wait what? He didn't seem like it at all. Oh god I need to check on-"

"Ji he's fine, let him be. He has Felix. And Seungmin" Changbin held him back gently.

"Here look, I just got your favourite drink for you." Chan smiled at Jisung, brightening the mood.

Jisung took a sip and felt the warmth in his chest a second later.

Letting him forget soon what had happened and the unwell feeling he had in his chest.

So he let himself get carried away once again, feeling the music in his heart.

Chan and Changbin tried to talk, but the noise made it hard without screaming so in the end they gave up, just laughed at each others silly dance attempts and drank more and more.

Jisung went to up to the bar to order another round of shots for them when he suddenly noticed a movement that sobered him up in a second.

From the bluriness his vision got clear.

*TW attempted drugging, fighting

If he would've looked a second later he wouldn't have seen it.

But he didn't, so he saw the swift movement of a guy pouring something from a vial into a girls drink right in front of him.

His eyebrow rose.

Then that exact guy caught him staring, and smirked.

"Oh see what I did, smooth right?"

Jisung could just imagine the ugly thoughts that were running through that mans head right now.

Maybe Chan should've seen it, he had always been the one to do smart and reasonable choices.

Or Changbin.

Maybe not, he probably would've reacted the same way he did.

He took a step forward, matching the grin while he held eye contact.

"Can I help you bro?"

"Yeah you have something here wait."

There was a loud thud, everyone around them turned their heads into the direction it came from.


"You are so disgusting I can't. Kinda embarrassing you can't pull a girl when she is sober."

The guy rubbed over his cheek, which flamed up bright red.

"Why did you punch him Jisung oh my god can I not leave you alone for one second." Chans voice came up behind him, stern tone.

"Hey, sorry for that. Do you have any friends here or are you alone with him?" Jisung completely ignored Chan and turned to the girl, who still sat there frozen. While he was talking he took the drink away from in front of her and spilled it slowly on to the ground.

"Uhm, I-"

"What is your problem you asshole, get the fuck away from her." The guy now stood up properly to square up against Jisung.

"You know that drugging someone is illegal right?"

He heard a few gasps.

"I didn't do shit!"

The alcohol caught up to Jisung, he didn't even see the fist swinging his way until it hit him. Right away he tasted the blood in his mouth and felt his lip throbbing.

Let the show begin.

Minho sunk into his sheets, waking his cat up that was snoring peacefully on the pillow.

"Oh sorry Soonie, scotch your fat ass over a bit so your brother can lay down." His cat meowed in protest before moving away to rest beside him.

"I swear to god I feel like these cats actually know what I say, hello Soonie, do you understand me?"

The cat moved his head to the side, and Minho felt the judgemenet through the stare.

"I knew it."

"Min, are you talking to yourself?" Felix carefully pushed the door open, worried expression on his face. "Ah Soonie is here, hi baby!"

"Did you think I went insane?" Minho giggled to himself, Felix sitting down on the edge of the mattress. Minhos hand was now buried in the soft fur, and for a few moments there only was the sound of purring.

"How long do you want to hide from Jisung Minho?"

"What a way to ruin the mood Yongbok."

"Minho! I'm serious, this is going to destroy you."

"I don't care Lix, our friendship means too much to me."

"But you're lying to him the whole time, do you think he'll be happy with that?"

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him." Minho rolled his eyes, he didn't even know how Felix caught him, and how he hadn't immediately fought it off.

Perhaps he was now too tired to fight after all those years.

And he needed to tell someone, Felix just happened to make it easy for him by figuring it out himself.

Felix sighed. "You know, you deserve a happy ending too."

"This is not some fairytale with happily ever afters Lix, this is real life. Jisung is my best friend, my straight best friend. I can't make him uncomfortable like that, I couldn't live with myself if I destroyed our friendship over some stupid feelings."

"They aren't stupid, they are real."

"Yeah and stupid, i'd rather not have them."

"Min." Felix paused for a second. The second felt like hours to Minho, for some reason he knew he didn't want to hear what he said next. "It's getting harder for you isn't it?"

A flash of horror struck through Minhos face. "What do you mean? Am I getting more obvious??"

"I've always noticed something, but now there is this tension whenever he is close to you, and you literally won't stop staring at him. The eye fucking is crazy."

"Oh god, did anyone else notice? Fuck." Minho already felt himself starting to sweat.

"Seungmo did, he finds it pretty amusing." Felix giggled, then he took Minhos hand to softly stroke it, calming the thunderstorm that started raging in Minhos mind.

"That bastard-"

"Min, he is my boyfriend."

"Still a bastard." Minho mumbled.

Suddenly the door got almost kicked open, both Minho and Felix harshly flinching at the unexpected noise. There stood Jisung, being held up by Chan and Changbin, a confused Seungmin behind them.

"I swear we tried to convince him to go home or to ours, he refused. He said he'd run off and come to you. So we thought-" Chan broke off to take a breath, the older was panting. "So we thought we'd just directly bring him to you, you know how stubborn he can be. I was scared he would fall into a river or something if we didn't. I'm so sorry Minho." He rambled on.

Minho stood up way too fast, head spinninig right away.

Jisung looked up, lazy grin on his face.


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