Clay meet your cousin Noemi

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I don't go back to class after that, I head straight for the front school doors making sure not to be seen. I push open the doors and run the good 7 miles home not stopping even when I get the odd look from people on the side of the road or a honk from cars, I make it home after 30 minutes and rushing I end up skipping 2 steps at a time to get to the door.

 I quickly unlock it and rush inside to get my carry bag out from under my bed, its covered in dust but at this point I can't complain. I race back to the lounge room and lift the rug to find the loose floorboard, I lift it up and find the small box I had hid under there 6 years ago, I started this a month after my father passed knowing mom would end up the same it was just a matter of when. I grab out the 4 grand I had saved up and shove it into my wallet I also grab out my passport and fake ID that displayed my name as Nattalie Marrie aged 19.

 I pulled closed the floor and pull the rug back down, I shoved the passport, ID and wallet into my bag. I look to my room and know I can only take a few clothes so it doesn't look suspicious, I get up and make my way to my closed closet pulling out 2 pares of ripped mom jeans and 2 skirts, my yellow checkered one and my red and black checkered pleated skirts I shove them in the bag, I grab 1 large XXL hoodie that came down to my knees a denim jacket that I shrug on, and 2 cropped shirts and a long sleaved white shirt.

 I fold all the clothes to fit and rearrange them all in the bag leaving a small amount of room for my hairbrush, phone and charger. I zip the bag up after double checking I have everything; I grab the house keys and go to open the door I freeze mid step my blood running cold as a siren blares up the street.

 I realise I'm to late and Mr Graph had really sent the cops, I rush to open the door and decide to bolt for it, rushing to unlock the 3 dead bolts swinging the wooden door I open I realise there's no more sirens I sigh in relief thinking it was a false alarm, oh how wrong I was. I push open the screen door to see two cop cars parked up to the fence blocking anyway out to the road. "Noemi id ask what you are doing but I can already see your leaving so imma stop you there, where's your mother." 

Taking an instinctive step back I almost fall on the steps behind me, "I- She's out at the moment she won't be back for a few hours maybe you should come back later-" I sneak a look at Everyone hoping no one saw the fear in my eyes; oh, how wrong i was, Mr Mclean had definitely noticed and had a smirk plastered on his face that could only be described as 'im always right'.

"Right well I um- I gtg so ill um see you later-" I turn and look for an exit my only two options being go back into the house or bolt and see if I can make it over the fence. I of course chose the fence. Turning on my heal I sprint for the fence only getting a good 5 meters before I'm lifted off the ground by muscle-built arms lifting me up in a bear hug from behind. 

"LET ME GO THIS IS ASSULT!" I scream hoping people will see "Look dear I'm sorry but Mr Mclean is you new guardian." Emily walks up to me making her way from a second car that just pulled up, It takes me a minute to realise the one who picked me up was the male officer from the hospital.

"NO! you can't force me to live with him!" I try grabbing at the male holding me off the ground I notice my foot near a very vulnerable area for him, I lift my leg up ever so slightly and gradually get them to a good height. Mr Graph notices and goes to call out but he's to late, I slam my legs at full force into the male's groin.

He doubles over in pain dropping me, I take the chance to land on my feet and bolt for the fence. I propel myself over the white picket fence and sprint down the street looking back to see if anyone had followed, I turn to see Mr Graph, Emily and Mr Mclean sprinting after me and the male officer hobbling along behind them. 

So many people give us confused looks which I'm not surprised because I mean, you try seeing a child being chased by a police officer and two men while another officer is hobbling behind. Quentin calls out as he sees me being chases down the main road, I stop for a moment knowing I should have time. 

"Hey so like I don't have much time but like this might be the last time you see me I love you and ill text you; the police are trying to kidnap me and make me live with some guy that's apparently my uncle since mum died yesterday" I huff out trying to catch a breath before I start sprinting again. I look to see the lady officer about to get me "OH FUCK!" I yell as I sprint off. 

"Oh no you don't" Mr Mclean grabs me and picks me up doing the same thing the male officer did. I let out a puff of air in defeat, Mr 'uncle man' decides to chime in his two cents "Look Emily, is it?" she nods. "Right, am I able to take her this has been a big mess and I just want to get back to America and back to my boys."

 Emily looks to the male office who just caught up then back to Mr Graph. "Yeah sure, I wish you luck she seems feisty." Mr Mclean holds me with one arm and uses the other to grab out his phone and unlock it. "Siri, Call Clay." The robotic voice dials this clay guy's number, it takes 3 rings for this him to answer. 

" Hey what's up?" I deep scratchy voice say's, "Hey clay its me um can you get James to send the jet over to Pick us up." I looked at My uncle I shock, "A jet!?" the older looks at me and smiles still holding me in place. "Yea sure dad, um where are you" he looks at me as if asking for an answer I simply reply with Sydney, he sighs and looks to Emily who tells him were in Chatswood, Sydney. He sighs and goes back to his phone "Somewhere in Chatswood, Sydney just track the phone."

Clay reassures us it should be here soon, and he hangs up. We walk to the little café down the road and wait for an hour before the older male gets a message saying the jet is landing nearby. Mr Mclean gets up making sure to keep a grip on my arm so I can't run away. We make our way to an open felid 5 minutes away from the café we were at.

 Situated in the middle of the felid was a giant private jet, engines roaring almost defining rumble. I tall slender man with dirty blond hair stood next to the open door. The older man grips my arm tighter and drags me towards the tall man next to the jet. "Clay this is your cousin Noemi, she'll be staying with us, I want you and the others to look after her." 

Clay turns his head to look at me, a faint smile works its way onto his face, "Well Noemi, Mi casa su casa" I look in his eyes as excitement shows on my face "Hablas español?" a look of shock creeps through his features. It was Mr Mclean's turn to pipe up "look I don't know what you're saying but can it wait till were on our way home we have a 19-hour flight."

With that we all make our way onto the very expensive jet. I find a seat near the middle in a row of very soft, cream leather chairs, Clay comes and sits next to me. "Entonces, ¿cuánto tiempo le tomó a mi padre convencerte de que vinieras?" 

I look at him hearing the sudden voice beside me, "No me convenció, básicamente me secuestró de mi casa cuando intentaba irme. Nunca confíes en un anciano, dos policías y tu principio." Clay beside me looks shocked then lets out something in between a chuckle and a wheeze sending us both into a fit of laughter, and I know in that second, we'd get along just fine. 

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