It's never good when male's smirk

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We spent a while just talking and clay telling me about school and stuff. He went to this big private school in America like the ones you see on movies made for the rich kids, but he wouldn't tell me about his brothers. I knew he had 4 other brothers; he wouldn't tell me what there like, he said it was a surprise.

 It's another 4 hours till we arrive, and I know I need some sleep, or the jet lag will be the death of me. I drift off knowing in a few hours I'll be meeting the family I was dragged halfway across the world to meet. The feeling of hands shaking me stir me enough for my eyes to slowly open, groaning I roll over to see clay looking at me with a goofy smile "Vamos Noemí es hora de conocer a la familia". 

Its then reality sets in, I'm not in Sydney anymore I'm in Los Angeles, California. My palms shake and the noise in my head drowns out the conversation Clay and my uncle were having outside the jet; Sturdy hands are placed firm on my shoulder reminding me I never left my seat the ringing dies down enough for me to catch the last of what the old man was trying to say. 

"omi- Naomi! come on we're here the SUV is waiting for us." Sliding out of the seat I quickly climb to my feet trying not to topple over, Mr Mclean leads the three of us over to a slick black SUV with tinted windows dark enough I couldn't see a driver. Turning to the uncle i give him my best incredulous look, "this is kidnapping you know; you may have the police fooled but trust me your games won't last long". 

Clay simply opens the care door and slides into the back seat and waits for me to hop in as well. I give him a dumbfounded look as if to say, 'Boy I know you don't think you're getting me in that car.' Clay looks behind me and smirks, it's never good when male's smirk; I'm given no warning when I feel a set of hands shove me into the car and shut the door. 

Trying my best not to completely humiliate and hurt myself I try to land semi normal as clay tries to help me adjust in my seat. I debate whether to go off at my so-called uncle as he casually climbs into the passenger seat of the vehicle and turns to smile at us, "Buckle up". It takes us an hour to drive to their house, it's then that I realise that it must have been a private owned air strip.  

I stare out the window taking in my surroundings as we drive down a cobble stone driveway. there are at least 4 guards outside waiting for us, the car pulls to a defining screech as Mr McLean steps out and opens his door. I take that as were getting out reaching for my handle I notice it won't open confusion wafts over as I look to see if my doors locked. Its then i realise he put the bloody child lock on. 

"Let me out you bastard!" Danny opens his door to let me out as the elder of the two stands back and smirks at the situation, as soon as I'm let out, I'm charging at him, I'm beyond angry he put me in some kind of cage! I swing and land a blow on my uncle's chest; the pain however afterwards was not worth it. He gives me a lop-sided grin, I may be old but I'm not weak don't forget that, though I must admit you got a good punch their kiddo. Danny's just standing there giving me a giant grin, "What!" "Nothing just I will admit that was funny, though you might want to get some training in self-defence I'm sure Arny and I wouldn't mind helping."

With that we all make our way to the house if you can even call it that, the bloody thing is the size of a freaking castle, It was cosy but screamed rich asf, my uncle tells Danny to show me the house and to meet back in the kitchen so he can introduce everyone. I'm shown the Basketball court, Games room, Theatre, like 8 rooms, tennis court, dance room, music room, 3 kitchens one being for the cooks, and my favourite the giant glass green house with a built in Swimming pool.

We make our way back to the house and he leads me back to the second kitchen I was shown on the tour, at first, I'm confused because i can only see my uncle in there. i turn to Danny confused but his face cracks into a shit eating smirk. Thats never a good sign, I'm about to ask where they are when I feel a pair of hand grab my shoulders from behind, now if you knew me you'd know that's a terrible move because my first instinct was to screw my eyes shut swing around and kick whoever was there in their crown jewels. 

All I could hear is a mixture of wheezing, and deep groaning, my eyes burst open as I realise the one who grabbed my shoulder was one of the four brothers Danny had told me about. He now laid huddled in a foetus position on the kitchen floor while his brothers were half dying from the stair well on the other side of the kitchen. 

"OH MY GOD! I'm so so sorry you scared the shit out of me!" i drop to the ground making sure the poor boys ok, Danny makes his way to us once he's finished dying and helps his brother up. "Naomi this is Arny the one i said could help you with self-defence lessons".  Arry looks between us and lets out a strangled "I-I thinks She's got the self-defence part covered." at this the two boys on the stairs go back to laughing at their brother. earning them a glare from Arny and I, "Id shut it unless you two wanna be next hey? Didn't think so." The laughing stopped immediately.

The boys were ushered down the stairs and made to stand in a line and introduce themselves, first up was Danny he was 6'4, and had mid length blonde hair "Hi I'm Danny, I'm the Youngest im 20 i like skating, anime and run a YouTube channel." Benji was the second youngest he was probably 6'0 and had short brown hair he looked the kindest, "Hi 'I'm Beji, I'm 22 I like skating, fashion, and i do TikTok's so you'll probably get dragged into them." His voice was quite deep which shocked me it didn't match him, but it was very soothing. 

Next was Nic he was the second eldest he was just taller than Benji and had slightly longer dark brown hair "Hi I'm Nic, I'm 22 as well, i do TikTok's and YouTube with Benji and i really like fashion." and lastly was Arny. He was the shortest which was ironic, he was around 5'5 with super curly jet-black hair, "Hi I'm Arny, I'm 23, I'm the eldest, I do youtubes with Danny and i love skating and i stream on twitch I also make TikTok's and i love animals."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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