Mr Mclean

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The sun beams into the room through the blinds, I groan as my phone goes off signalling my alarm. "Fuckkkkkk" I groan feeling yesterday's events kick in at full force even after the morphine I was given, tugging of the Dooner I swing my legs around and trudge my way to my closet and change into my favourite black and white pleated skirt and mini cropped shirt with no apologies written across the boobs, I grab my denim jacket and my doc martins sliding them on.

 Making my way to the kitchen I grab my purse and mini handbag we weren't rich by any means, but mum had always made sure we had what we needed, I would save up my pocket money and every year since year 6 id used my money saved for the year to buy 2 outfits every Christmas this outfit was one of the 2, I got at the end of last year. 

I make my way past the door grabbing a granola bar off the counter and walk out the door and locking it after checking I have the key and walk down the steps bolting for the bus. I make it to the stop just as the bus arrives, and line up with the other students and find my way on gradually finding a seat that wasn't taken near the middle trying to avoid where Kristine Rodgers was sitting a few seats behind with Mitchel Lowrey.

 I was surprised when I didn't see the queen bee herself Tracy Milligan in her group of little minions. It was about halfway into the expedition when I thought they either hadn't spotted me or chose today they'd ignore me, but apparently id spoke to soon as I heard the thick Pommy accent of Jason snicker behind me "hahaha what does the weirdo think she's wearing, doesn't she realise she looks like she's eaten a pound of cake the fat pig." 

I felt like saying something back only to hear the queen herself pipe up "Noemi what have I said about you and skirts they make your rolls stick out when will you ever listen", I block them out 'They just want attention, don't say anything back' "Oi Freak I talking to you!". Macy storms up to me and grips my hair pulling back hard leaving tears prickling my eyes 'don't cry asshole' the Bus driver beeps to let us know we've finally arrived; Macy finally lets my hair go and whispers in my ear "it's not over freak"

 'Greatttttttt' more Macy bullshit I slowly smooth my hair and my skirt before waving goodbye to Gary the bus driver and leaving the bus walking through the fence and into the cold brick building I call a school. I make my way to the hockey field where me and my friends meet up, yes, I have friends omg, I'm greeted my Ester running up and nocking me over onto the field "hahaha Ester hop off I'm in a skirt!" I squeak out between giggles and kicks; she finally releases off me leaving my 2 other friends Quentin and Angelique confused. 

"Quinny, Angel; Noemi is bullying meee" Ester whines "I am not!" I protest, "Ester Levine Please report to Principal Graph" the loudspeaker drones out in the same monotone voice I hear every day "Oooooo Someone's in trouble again" Quentin sings, we all laugh as Ester gets up and drags herself across the field and into the Administration building across the school. Soon the faint ring of the bell chimes signalling my first class, I look at the schedule grimly looking that I have English first up Mrs Bently can always tell when somethings up.

I'm lucky Quentin didn't notice the facade I put up he almost always notices. I contemplate skipping then remember the exam we have and bolt for the building halfway across the school, I sadly didn't make it on time and clash into the door forgetting to open it and instead try to run through the door, landing with a loud defining 'THUMP', it runs through the halls like a shock wave in the halls there so quiet you could hear a pin drop, I stumble back.

 Surprisingly Mr Fern opened the door instead with a look of confusion and disappointment flashing through his features "Ah Mrs Bishop you finally decided to show" he coos through the room; I make a small nod and bee line straight for my desk at the back of the classroom, It's about 15 minutes into the 70-minute lesson when the chime of the loud speaker goes off signally an incoming message "Can Miss Noemi Bishop please make her way straight to Mr Graph's office, Thank you" the intercom drones on in that monotone voice. 

Everyone's heads turn to me, and I shrink back in embarrassment, Mr Fern looks straight at me "Well Noemi I must say I'm surprised but please leave you don't want to make him mad" he says in his thick Scottish accent. I nod and swiftly get up and walk straight to the administration building 2 classrooms down, I greet Peny the office lady/Nurse and she tells me to head in and that he's waiting for me, I nod and walk in closing the door to Mr Graph's office.

 He's sitting in his usual place directly across from the door facing the only entry and exit point in the quite large office, what I don't notice straight away is the very tall man in one of the two large plush seats facing the desk. "Ahhh Noemi great to see you, please take a seat" Mr Graph says in a cheery voice which puts me off I only notice the man in the seat after I'm sat down and comfy "I'd like you to meet Mr Mclean, Your Uncle."

 I stare in shock looking at the man with dirty brown hair and deep Brown eyes he looks around 6'1, "Hi Noemi, nice to see you again" the strange man says in a thick American accent. Mr Graph pipes up again "Mr Mclean here tells me your mother has recently passed away is that true Noemi?" he speaks in a quiet sorrow tone I almost thought he was crying and had to do a double take to see, "I- NO! I-I mean no she hasn't sir my mother is still at home why would you ever think that-" I look anywhere but directly at Mr Graph; I steal a quick glance at him and see his sceptical expression. 

"Mr Mclean here tells me since she's passed, he's now your legal guardian, since your dads passing and now your mother, he's your next in line; he even has the documents from the court." I stare at both men in shock. "No... NO sir! you can't be serious this man could be a human trafficker or, or in a drug cartel and might use me as a mule.

 Those documents are fake I can make those on word easily!" I panic I won't live with a man I don't know; I know those document Arnt fake their 100 percent legit, but Mr Graph doesn't know that, and I've seen photos of this man on mom's phone before, so I know his story is true but still. Mr Mclean looks a mixture of shocked and impressed, "Mr Graph I am a respectable Wealthy man with 4 sons why would I need this girl as a drug mule or traffic her off as a risk to my name." Mr Mclean turns to me and has a smirk spread on his lips and I know this has now turned into a challenge.

 "Sir when have I ever lied to you, are you really going to send me off with a man you've never seen or heard of before. If you send me with him ill hold you personally responsible if I end up dead in a ditch or alley somewhere." Mr Graph's posture has now changed when I first came in he was samba and sorrow now he's a mixture of confusion and worry. 

"How about this" he starts and looks between us both "what if Mr Mclean and I and a few police make a trip to yours to see your mother since you admit she's ok and we can sort this all out ok?" a look of panic seeps onto my face, I look around at Mr Graph and Mr Mclean thinking none had noticed; oh, how wrong I was. Mr Mclean had a slight smirk showing as if to say ' I always win' "I think that's a great idea Mr Graph, what do you say Noemi" they both turn to me. 

"I- you won't be able to mum has appointments all day and won't be back till late." It was the only excuse I could think of. "I'll work it out your good to go back to class miss Bishop" I turn to the man Infront of me, "Sir-" I try to reason with him "I said leave Miss Bishop" the older man snaps, I quickly stand and make a bee line for the door.

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