Cursed Coins

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After the group hug ends in laughs, Rayla announces, "I have something to show you!" She pulls out of her pouch, a small brown bag, dangling it in-front of Callum's eyes. "You didn't have to get me anything, Rayla," Callum said stoically.

"Well no, this isn't for you," Rayla responded, "it's my family!"

Callum, Soren, and Ezran shoot each other a look. "I think those rocks may have hit her on the head," Soren said to Callum and Ezran.

Rayla looked at them, deadpanned. She opened the brown bag and out fell three coins into her hand, "Look," Rayla said as she extended her arm out. Callum's face drew cold, "Dark magic."

"Do you know anything about this?" Rayla asked Callum desperately. Before Callum could respond, Soren said, "I might."

Our hero's said goodbye to N'than, thanked him for guiding them through Umber Tor, and began their travels back to Katolis. Without the mirror or the map to Aaravos, they were also without a plan.

Zubeia flew everyone back to Katolis, making a long trek on foot into a quick ride through the sky. As Ezran looked down upon his kingdom he was filled with excitement, "Home sweet home!" Upon arriving in Katolis, the crownguards awaited with dreadful faces, something was wrong.

Ezran followed the crownguards to the throne room where the High Council was gathered. Meanwhile, Rayla, Callum, and Soren went down the spiral stairs to Viren's once-hidden lair.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Rayla asked Soren. "Yeah, I really don't like coming down here," Callum added.

"My dad was a very secretive man, especially when it came to secrets." Soren responded.

Rayla and Callum looked at each other, muddled by Soren's odd statement. "Are you sure you didn't hit your head back at Umber Tor?" Rayla laughed.

"No, I mean, if there was something that seemed mysterious, my dad would keep it to himself. That way he could be the first one to know about it," Soren explained.

"Just like the mirror," Callum said grimly.

"I never got into dark magic the way my dad and Claudia did, they were drawn to it, but I never had that same interest," said Soren. "I did, however, grow up around it. I remember seeing my dad constantly reading something, it looked like a page out of a book. He looked at it the way he used to look at that mirror."

"Well, do you know where he might have put it?" Rayla questioned. "Uhhhhhhhhhhh," Soren thought out loud.

"No," Soren finally answered.

"Wait! I think I can help," Callum said to Soren. "A finding spell," Callum alluded, "Lux Revelare." Rayla, Callum, and Soren looked around the dim dungeon, past the cobwebs and canned magical creatures. They couldn't see anything.

"Maybe it's not in here?" Rayla suggested.

Callum scanned the room disappointed but still hopeful, "Rayla! Under your feet! Look!"

The floorboard below Rayla's feet was glowing, flickering like a candle. Soren used his sword to pry up the wooden board, exposing a rolled piece of paper.

"Callum, you're a genius!" Rayla exclaimed, excited to be one step closer to seeing her family again.

"I'm the one who knew it was here.." Soren said under his breath. "And I thank you, Soren," Rayla said with warmth in her voice.

Soren blushed.

Callum grabbed the secret scroll and unrolled the page to see symbols of a language unlike any he'd ever seen.

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