Wake Up

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"Dad! We have the map!" Claudia said excitedly, then her demeanor changed to something more sinister. "We can find Aaravos..." she added, "We will free him, and he will save you."

Viren turned to his daughter, his eyes glowing purple, his skin transforming in appearance. His eyes changed again from purple to black and a cheeky grin grew upon his face, darkness had reclaimed Viren once again.

Claudia and Terry stood shocked at Viren's dramatic change, Terry's hands covered his mouth.

Viren's eyes faded from black to his normal vision, as his eyes returned to their original color, he began to lose consciousness. Terry dropped the map and ran to catch Viren, he landed in his arms, Terry called to Claudia, "What's happened to him?"

Claudia screamed out in fear, "Dad, Dad!" Her powerful father, again, laid helpless and unconscious in front of her.

"Is he," Terry started his sentence, scared, "dead?" Terry looked up to Claudia, terrified.

"I won't let him," Claudia stood over Terry and Viren, she stretched her arm out towards her father and started to chant.

Moments later, Terry spoke carefully to Claudia, "I don't think it's working."

Claudia took a deep breath in and began to chant louder.

"Claudia," Terry said desperately.

Claudia ran out of breath and fell to the ground.

"Claudia!" Terry cried out, "You're exhausting yourself."

"I won't lose him again," Claudia said to Terry while she looked at the grass between her fingers. A tear fell from her face onto the ground, her grief was overwhelming.

"I can try to help," Terry laid Viren down slowly onto the ground, supporting his head. Terry stood up and started to glow, his Earthblood powers shined through his whole body.

Terry attempted tirelessly to awaken Viren, "Come on," he urged.

Claudia grabbed Terry's arm, but that didn't stop him from performing his magic. She placed her hand gently on his cheek.

His glow dimmed, he pulled Claudia into his arms and held her close.

Sir Sparklepuff started to hiss and groan, trying to communicate with the couple. "Ugh, not now!" Claudia yelled at The Being. Sir Sparklepuff's head tilted in an attempt to understand her.

"His heart is still beating," Terry spoke optimistically, "we just have to wake him up."

"That's it!" Claudia had an idea. She ran into the woods, leaving Terry, Sir Sparklepuff, and Viren near the base of Umber Tor.

Claudia returned with her arms full of magical flora and fauna; berries, small creatures, stones, and flowers. "Maybe we have to wake his senses," Claudia suggested. She laid out the collection she gathered, "Beige bittersquash for taste, Melodaisies for hearing and visuals, Flatu-lilies for smell, and Adoraburrs for touch." Claudia reached into her bag to retrieve a black ceramic mortar and pestle, she crushed the beige bittersquash in the small bowl, making it easier to administer to her father.

Terry assisted Claudia, lifting Viren into a seated position.

Claudia put the bittersquash onto a leaf and attempted to feed it to her father. "Wait," Terry pleaded, "what if he chokes?"

Claudia lowered the bittersquash to her lap as she realized her idea wasn't going to work.

"Claudia," Terry said as he rubbed her back, "you're the most clever person I've ever know, you will save your father."

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