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I wake up by mussel


I get my phone and a text from will


Hey kitten <3!, sorry had to leave see you at school tomo xx

                                                                               Y/n 😍😍
                                        Hey babe see u at school 💗 xx

I wash my teaath and brush my hair and go get ready and I get the bus and memeulous again.

When I got off will was waiting for me and he walked me to class.

I had to sit next to George but he was quite the whole time.

As I when to go to lunch he grabbed my arm and said "y/n I've got to talk to you about somthing meet me. Behind the shcool after school and don't tell will" and he walked away that was eerie i though but I go get scran and find Willy boy.

He hugs me and we sit and eat the scran.

The last bell rings and I got behind the school to meet George.

I see him he tans up to me "right y/n will is lying" "waht?" I say "He's lying to you" he shouts i tear up "NO ur lying your jealous" I ran off

I call will and tell him what happens.

He's pissed off and go's to find George I try to stop him but he's so strong and I am small and weak so we go to park where George is and will go's up to him "righ what you saying" George just looks at him AND PUCCHS HIM the scrap I try to post they off each other "will this isn't you" I say looking up at him and we walk away together

Bully, Memeulous Where stories live. Discover now