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Next day

Will is sick so he's no coming to school so I go to my classes and go to his house after school to make him better, I go to shops and buy him chocolate.

I go into his house with the key I have and into his room but omg he's shagging Alex???

"WILLY" I shout "umm y/n I'm so sorry" will says I ran to the park and sat down and crying.

Till I feel a rap on my shoulder "y/n" I look up its George "are you okay?" He asked I just hug him "y-y-you were right" I say "what?" He says "will is cheating on mine with Alex I cry" he just hugs me

"Y/n I've wanted to ask u think for ages but will you be my gf" "YES OFC" we kiss then shag.

"Oh and I am memeulous"

The end

I ate mayonnaise and I need to shit

Bully, Memeulous Where stories live. Discover now