𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫

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[ Warning ⚠: Sexual Interaction.]

She let out a small gasp when Marvolo left kisses on her neck. "Tommy I, feels so good." She closed her eyes in pleasure, her mouth opened letting out soft moans as she placed her hands on his chest.

"You like this?" Marvolo questioned, pulling away for a bit. "Do you want me to continue?" he teasingly licked her neck, smirking when she shivered and leaned her head on his bare chest.

'I should probably stop this, it's wrong. But it feels so good.'

"Answer me Artemis, you know I don't like to wait." Marvolo pulled away slightly causing her to whine at the loss of contact. "Do you want more?" He smirked when she nodded eagerly "Use your words." He ordered.


"Please what?"

"Please don't stop." Artemis gasped when she was brought to sit on his lap. He continued to kiss her neck, leaving her to squirm on top of him. $ So good. $ Artemis accidently slipped into parsoltongue, not that she was aware of it.

"So pretty and naïve." Marvolo muttered against her skin. "So submissive for me, aren't you?"

"I- yes." Artemis replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She was lost in the feeling of Marvolo tracing his fingers on her inner thighs that she barely registered what he was saying, the only thing that went through her mind was how good she felt. And it was all because of him. Artemis subconsciously started grinding herself on him, desperate for some sort of relief to her lust. She let out a small whimper when he bit into her flesh, moving harder against him, she smiled to herself when he groaned.

Artemis was just getting familiar with her sexual side, she had never done anything like this, and here Marvolo comes and makes her lust for him like never before. She had already wanted him in a sexual way, but had been able to control herself, but now she lost all her will – power.

"Mmm, more, please." Artemis rocked her hips against him harder, feeling herself getting close she moaned.

Underneath her, Marvolo could feel Artemis's wetness. She was magnificent, she made you lust for her, she drove you to your breaking point just by existing. A part of Marvolo knew that he shouldn't have kissed her neck, but he couldn't help himself, he knew that he should stop before he lost control, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. Marvolo was hard, he wanted to fuck her out of her mind, until she couldn't take anymore.

"Tommy, stop." Artemis slowly came to her senses.

"What's wrong?"

"This is." She stopped and pulled away a bit. "I'm sorry, but this is wrong." Artemis looked away embarrassed.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this." Marvolo stopped moving his fingers. "Let's go to sleep, for real this time, yeah?" He smiled softly at the young girl, whose face was flushed.

Artemis embarrassedly crawled to the other side of the bed not looking at him. "Good night." She whispered, angry at herself for letting the pleasure control her and not the other way around. She also felt humiliated that she let Marvolo see that she craved his touch.

Marvolo accommodated himself to lay down too, next to her with his arm around her, furious at himself for putting his little mate in such an uncomfortable position, he could see that she was blaming herself for this. "This isn't your fault." He told her. She was a sex demon, it was obvious how she was going to react, she didn't know how to control it, and yet, he hadn't cared and made her lose the small amount of will - power she had. All the process she had made was destroyed because he couldn't stop himself.

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