𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: 𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐢𝐬

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During their Hogwarts years Luna and Draco finally told everyone that they were mates and that they wanted their blessing for marriage.

Daphne and Victor Krum found out that their mates had died in a fire caused by The Order of Phoenix and found comfort in each other, eventually falling in love with the other. Their love was magnificent and when they got married after four years together the family was excited.

Cho and Cedric eventually decided to not get married as it was easier for them to simply mate and not have an actual marriage. They did have children, a handsome boy who they named Liam.

Theo and Blaise surprisingly did want to get married, even after many years of which they had always told the group they detested the idea of having to wait to formally bond and that it wasn't for them.

The twins opened their prank shop a few months after they graduated with some money, they had earned from selling prank supplies during their Hogwarts years. The Marauders became one of their number one sponsors, always helping with new prank ideas or financing new shops across Europe.

Neville and Astoria were born without mates, and they were completely fine with it since they had fallen in love after the young Greengrass finished her studies.

Sirius and Remus adopted a werewolf they found during a full moon. They named them Teddy something that had caused Regulus to be annoyed at, thought he still adored his godson.

Lucius and Narcissa had an adorable daughter they named Alexandra. The pregnancy had been completely unexpected, especially since after Draco had been born, they had been told that Cissa was uncapable of carrying another child.

Lily and James decided to take a trip alone, as a couple, something they haven't done in a few years because of all the event that had taken place.

Marvolo and Artemis had sat down a spoke after the events that had occurred the last couple of years and agreed that even though the others were getting married, bonding and expected the Dark Lord and Lady to do it soon as well, they would wait a few years to do so.

Fast Forward 3 years...............

"Ok family let's leave Marvolo and Arty so that they can use the portkey, she's about to begin her transformation." Narcissa ordered.

"No, I refuse to have my daughter all alone with a man......" James stated.

"Yeah, I agree with James 100%. She's not staying locked with him, in who knows where, and I don't care if he's her soulmate or not I'm not leaving............." Sirius added.

"Both of you enough, leave now." Lily reprimanded as she pushed James out, Remus doing the same with Sirius despite their protest.

Once everyone except Artemis and Marvolo had left, the lovers used the portkey.

Artemis started changing, not physically but mentally and emotionally, she felt the need to be touched by her mate – more than usual. Artemis fell to her knees and started to crawl towards Marvolo.

"Tommy......... "She whined.

"Yes, little moon?" He asked as he petted her head softly, he needed to have her ask for him, he wouldn't touch her if she didn't ask for it. Marvolo wanted Artemis to be sure, to be completely aware of what she was doing. He needed her to give him vocal permission, so that she understood what she was asking for.


"Please what?" Marvolo questioned softly to his little one, he as well was desperate to touch his mate, but he needed consent.

"Touch me, plea- please, I- I need it so much."

"Are you sure?"

"Please Tommy." She continued to beg.

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