Ch. 16: Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days

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AN: Sorry again for the last one, but here it is if it all over the place I'm gonna blame it on the sickness. Happy reading y'all.

Who is still here after my little prank:

Lizzie's POV:

Seconds that is all it took for my whole world to come crashing down. The second she stopped breathing, the second I couldn't feel her warmth, the second her kind heart stopped. My world ceased to exist, my joy was sucked right out of me. Every second that ticked by that she was gone from this world was a tearing pieces of me with it. I laid there with my head on her chest and I thought of how much I wish I could say I was sorry. I was sorry that pushed her away, I was sorry that I didn't believe her. But mostly sorry that I was not there for her when she needed me the most.

I was only brought out of my thoughts when I felt hands on my shoulders, I feel them pulling me away from Y/N. "No, let me go" I screamed as I was being ripped away from my person. "Liz they need space to work, stop just breathe for me" I can finally make out that is was Scarlett that was talking to me. She has my face in her hands and I didn't even know that I was hyperventilating until she was making me breathe like her. I calm my breathing and look back at the paramedics trying to save my friend. I watch as they work together to stabilize her neck before they start on resuscitating her.

They cut open her shirt and place defibrillator pads on her chest, while they are doing CPR and using a bag to give her oxygen. "Analyzing Please Stand Clear" I can hear the machine say. "No Pulse Detected, Shock Advised" it said and I fall to my knees. They push the button and I watch as Y/N body jolts from the shock. "Still no pulse, starting compressions" the paramedic said. I watch as they continue this three more times. Each time I feel myself losing hope, she feels like she is slipping away the longer this goes on. "Stand Clear, Shock Delivered" the machine says one more time, "We got a pulse, its weak but we got one" the other paramedic said as they start to pack up their stuff and get Y/N loaded onto a stretcher. I watch as she is loaded into the back of the ambulance but before I can go to follow I am stopped by a police officer.

"Ma'am we need to ask you a few questions" he said. "No, I have to get to the hospital" I say trying to push my way past him. "Can't we do this later, we really need to get to the hospital" Scarlett reasons with him. "Ok we will send an officer to the hospital, until then we will talk with I think her name is Jenna" He said. "Yes she will be able to get you anything you need, we really have to go. Liz come on" Scarlett says as we finally make it to her car. The whole ride there my mind is elsewhere it is running through all of the what if's. What if we get there and she didn't make it, what if she never wakes up, what if, what if. My seconds turn into minutes and I just break down, I drop my head into my hands and sob.

We finally make it to the hospital a few minutes later, "Y/N Harris, she was brought in where is she" I asked as we get to the front desk. "Are you a relative of Miss. Harris" the receptionist asked. "She is her sister, and her emergency contact" Scarlett answered for me. The receptionist types on her keyboard and what feels like forever goes by before she looks back up "Third floor waiting room, when they have an update they will come find you" she said. I don't wait for her to say anything else, I make my way to the elevator and we head up to the third floor.

When we get up there we are directed to the waiting room and told as soon as someone can they will fill us in. While Scarlett is on the phone with someone I pace around the room. I go to bring my hands to my face but realize they are still covered in Y/N's blood. I rush to the bathroom and start to scrub my hands over and over I hear the door open. "Liz they are clean, hey stop their clean" Scarlett says before she pulls me into a hug. We are just standing there in the middle of the bathroom Scarlett holding me as I break down.

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