Ch. 25: Search

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AN: Hello my beautiful besties I am sorry I didn't get this out of Friday but I didn't want you to wait until Tuesday so happy reading my lovelies.

What is your go to comfort food/snack?


Y/N's POV:

It has been a week since Remy was at the gym, and I still have not seen her around. Fred has found very little on her, she lived in Colorado bouncing between foster homes. Then there was nothing like she didn't exist after last year, I could only assume this is when she ran away. I have been at the gym every day since I got my license back and spending all my free time looking for her and still nothing. "Jesus who knew L.A. was so huge" I say falling onto the sofa next to Lizzie who is going over some of her lines for her Facebook show. "I know, but you have to keep up hope" she said running her fingers up and dow n my leg. "Thank you, I just really want to find her. She is so young and she shouldn't be out on the streets at that age" I say. She hums in agreement, and continues to rub her hand up and down my leg.

"How about we go take a drive I don't have to work today and it's Saturday so she has to be out and about. Plus it's nice out what do you say" she suggested. I sit up quickly "Are you sure it's your only day off and I don't want you to waste it" I say. "I'm not and I suggested it so come on go get some shoes on and let's drive around" she said again with a smile. I jump up and start making my way to the bedroom before I run back and kiss her on the cheek "You really are amazing" I say running to the bedroom.

It's been a few hours and still nothing this girl is like a freaking ghost at this point. "I am starting to question if Remy is real or I imagined her" I say starting to lose hope again. "How about we stop for some lunch and then we look on the other end of town" Lizzie said giving my hand a squeeze. "Yeah, we can do that" I nod and continue to look out the window. We had some lunch at this cute little cafe and then hit the road again.

Another hour goes by and still nothing "We should just go, she obviously doesn't want to be found" I say hanging my head. "Look there is a shelter just around the corner how about we stop there and check and maybe we can talk with someone in charge" Lizzie suggested. "I guess" I answer back still defeated. We pull into the shelter and make our way in, it's a shocking scene to walk into. We look around and see men, women and children of all ages and it breaks my heart. After about a minute we hear a voice behind us, we turn to see a woman standing behind us. "Hello, can I help you two" she asked looking between both of us. "Um hi, this is going to be crazy but we were hoping you could help us" I start to say. "I can try what is it you need. By the way my name is Lucy" she said holding out her hand for both of us to shake. "Great we are looking for a girl that goes by the name Remy. She is 16" I say while pulling out the wallet and showing her the ID. "Is she in some sort of trouble, you two don't look like cops so what did she do" she asked. "No we are not cops, we just want to find her and try and help. She came by my gym and she left her wallet behind" I say.

She looks at the both of us suspiciously before looking at the ID again, "I know who she is, I've been trying for a few months now to get her off the streets but she always seems to disappear when I get a social worker down here" Lucy says. She hands me back the ID "She is has been on the streets for a couple of months, and no one else has come looking for her" I asked tucking the wallet back in my bag. "She usually comes around here every other week but I also know she hangs around the beach there are a lot of tourist down there so people hustle for money. You can check down there, if she comes back here I can give you a call" she said. "That's great, here is my card and I have my cell on it so no matter what time just call please" I say handing her the card. We bid farewell to Lucy and start heading towards the car, "Do you want to go check the beach" Lizzie asked getting in the car. "I would like to see if she is there" I say getting some hope back.

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