Ch. 17: It's What's Best

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AN: Hey everyone sorry there was not another update last week I had thanksgiving and your girl had too much to eat and went into a food coma. Anywho, hope y'all enjoy this chapter and happy reading.

If you celebrate thanksgiving what is your favorite dish, if not eat holiday dish do you love?


Y/N's POV:

It's been a week since I woke up and those first few days were the hardest. I knew nothing, I didn't know where I was, I didn't know what happened to me. I especially didn't know anyone that was standing in front of me when I woke up. When I looked around the room there were just random faces, yet familiar at the same time. It was a weird feeling, not remembering but feeling comfort in the faces. It was also rough on my body, I slept a lot and had a bit of a set back when it came to the infection I had. But the most infuriating thing was the inability to do anything, I couldn't talk, I couldn't walk. I was stuck in my mind, I knew what I wanted to do and say but my body didn't show that. So here we are now a week later and more tests being done, I am laying down staring at this damn machine that I have seen more of since I woke up then I have seen my own reflection.

"Alright Y/N just hold still while the scan is going" I hear the tech say. 'Well it's not like I can get up and run around' I think to myself. The sound of the machine starts to get louder and I close my eyes to drown out the sound. About 20 minutes later I can feel the bed move so I open my eyes "All done, let's get you back and the doctor will be in to talk about your results" he said helping me into a wheelchair. I am pushed through the halls and make it back to my room where the same group of people that have been here the whole time waiting for me. Thankfully my memory of them came back quickly, the doctor called it post- traumatic amnesia. I was completely confused for the first two days I was awake, then just like a light bulb all of it came flooding back in. The day of the accident is still a little fuzzy, I can remember going to Lizzie's and the argument we had, then going to the cemetery but after that nothing.

The next memory I have is waking up here with another tube down my throat. My head feeling like I got hit by a Mack truck. As I am transferred back to my bed Mama J comes up to make sure the pillows behind me are to my satisfaction. I smile at her and look towards the other three blondes in the room. I still can't really form words, like I can hear them in my head but for some reason my mouth just won't say them. "So how did the scan go" Mama J said sitting down next to me. I pick up the electronic reader next to me and slowly start to type out my answer. "I hated it, I hate being in that tube and the sound that machine makes" I type out and it reads it to them. "I know but we need to make sure everything is going ok up there" she said pointing to my head. I nod and look towards Lizzie who has barely said two words to me since I woke up, I can see bruising around her neck. I bring the pad up and start typing "Can you give me and LIzzie a minute alone, we need to talk" as it reads out everyone nods and walks out of the room.

Lizzie is standing in front of my bed playing with her rings a thing she does when she is nervous. I point towards the chair next to me and she gets the hint and sits down, still not making eye contact with me. A few minutes go by and I decided break the ice "What happened to your neck" I typed out. She snaps her hand up to her throat and looks at me "Robbie" she said quietly. That mother fucker, he put his hands on her I swear if I ever see him I will end him. "I'm going to kill him" I typed and my breathing picks up. "Hey no, it's ok he is in jail please just calm down" she said grabbing my hand trying to calm me down. I don't know why I am getting so worked up but I can't help it. Before I can type anything else there is a knock at the door and the doctor peaks his head in. "May I come in" he said and I nod, still very much pissed off of what Lizzie told me.

He walks in holding my chart and looking it over, he isn't saying anything. For some reason that is pissing me off even more than I was. I grab the tablet and start to type "Are you going to say something or just stand there" I push talk and it reads it out loud. "Y/N, I am so sorry doctor she is really upset" Lizzie apologized for me. "Oh that's ok, it is actually quite normal for people with TBIs to have short fuses" He said. I look at Lizzie and she is looking down with a guilty look on her face. "So let's go over these scans shall we. From what I can see there are no new bleeding which is good, I am still a little concerned with this swelling in this area" he said pointing out the scan. I am still holding onto Lizzie's hand and I feel her thumb run over my knuckles. He continues "But we can try a couple more things, but I think the best thing for you right now Y/N is to send you to a neuro rehabilitation center to help regain your speech and mobility" he suggested. "Oh, is there any good ones here you would suggest" Lizzie asked. "Yeah, I can give you a list of some of the best ones in the country" he said writing down on a notepad. I pull up the tablet and type "Do you think that I will be like this forever" I push send and he stops writing as soon as it's done talking.

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