chapter 30 - boat trip

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After graduation, his tennis schedule is packed but he always find time to see you between his tennis practice. And when he have matches outside california, he always call you and send you letters.

Dear Magno,

How are you? I hope you are happy as always. i'm still in kalamazoo michigan doing junior tournament, i lost the first round, please wish me luck for tomorrow's matches. I miss you so much, i felt so lonely without you, i think about you all the time, how i longing to be with you right now, you're my lucky charm. Anyway, i'll be back home on friday, can't wait to see you.

Yours truly, Erik.

He sticks to his words, friday around 5 pm, erik showed up to your door, you jump and hugged him as soon as you saw him, "i miss you" you burried your face on his neck and inhale his scent.

"I miss you more missy" he wrapped his arms tightly around you, "did you recieve my letter?"

"What letter?"

"My love letter"

You shrug pretending not recieve it yet.

"Magno, actually.. i have a favor to ask you" he is fidgeting and seems worried.

"What is it?"

"Would you join me in a fishing trip tonight?"

"Tonight? Why so sudden?"

"Yeah my parents planning for a shark fishing and it's tonight.. i really need you to come, i just think it will be fun with you in it"

"But have you tell your mom and dad that i come?"

"Yeah, no worries, they won't mind"

"Mmmmh okay then, i go get changed" you go inside the house and change to more suitable clothes for fishing.

You arrived in his mansion, he park in the front porch, before you both go inside the house, he pull your hand and kiss you gently, "please always stay close to me" he then hugged you tight.

Lyle got out from his alpha romeo car and join you both, "why you taking so long? They already waiting for us".


Inside the house, kitty and jose already waiting, "good evening mr and mrs. Menendez" you greet them.

"I thought it's family trip" said kitty arrogantly.

"It's alright kitty, let her join us, anyway, the boat is ready, come on" jose defend you and lead the way to his mercedes.

Along the way to the harbour, it was a total silence, nobody talk, it was so intense, you feel so uncomfortable with this strange family, 1 hour drive feels like forever.


In the marina del rey harbour, the captain and 1 crew already there, kitty was surprise with how small is the boat, she thought it was a bigger boat, but jose try to calm her down.

Jose and the crew try to fish the shark in rear end, while lyle and erik went to sit in the bow. Kitty was seasick so you accompany her on the deck near cockpit, you brought water for her. You worried of those boys cause the wind getting chiller and the water splashing all over them in the bow, they both were soaking wet.

"Here, you need this" you borrow 2 waterproof jackets from the crew for lyle and erik, "it's getting chill, let's just sit on the deck" you asked.

"It's alright, we're fine here" answered lyle.

Erik look at you, "i'm gonna go with magno little bit, i wanna see what dad is doing" he said to lyle.

"Alright" lyle stay in the bow.


"Erik my boy, come here" said jose instruct him to come closer, he gave erik a special fishing rod to catch sharks. Jose and erik caught a medium size of sharks, jose seems so pleased about it. When everyone was busy enjoying the moment, Erik quickly pull your hand and drag you back to the bow.

"How is it?" Asked lyle.

"Dad seems happy, we caught sharks"

"Great, what about mom?"

"She still recovering from seasick.. So what are we gonna do?" Erik seems worried by the tone of his voice.

"Just stay alert, we can't do much" said lyle as he staring blankly at the dark ocean.

You still puzzling of what these brothers talking about. At 1 am you go back to the mansion. Erik asked to his parents if he could drive you home and they let him.


Please vote if you like, thank you, super smut on next chapter :)

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