{Len x Kaito SMUT}

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A/N: I'm starting off with a Yaoi pairing that my friend is OBSESSED with. She wanted me to write a fanfic of them so here it is.... Btw, this is my first fanfiction I have ever wrote! @-@ so it might not be the best so I'm sorry >~< Warning there is a Boy x Boy Lemon! Beware the yaoiness! xD enjoy~

Kaito was a normal 17 year old boy.... Or that's what he would like to think.

He was obsessed with his blue scarf, even though he would get it caught in everything... And would get almost choked to death by ex girlfriends with it.... But even still he always wore that same scarf! I mean it's been through everything!

But his beloved scarf wasn't the only thing he was overly obsessed with. He also had an unhealthy relationship with his ice cream. Some thought it was a normal attachment, others think it's creepy. Kaito didn't care though, he loved his ice cream, and he would cut a bitch if someone touched it...

So need less to say, Kaito gets attached really easily.

It could be with food, clothing, a song or even a person. Once he liked you that was it...
You would mean the world to him. But that's how he would get his heart broken...

It was sad really, but he was somewhat used to it. Although the pain would still sting.

Currently Kaito was dating Luka. But he knew Luka was cheating on him for Gakupo.
She just dated him so Gakupo would get jealous...

It worked... And now Kaito wasn't needed.

Damn... This sucks..

The bluenette thought to himself, as he walked into the kitchen.

It was at that moment he saw Sakine Meiko.

She was like Kaito's sister, she was the one person that was always there. He would never date her and same for her to him. But it was still nice to have that friend to lean on.

The brunette was having trouble opening an unopened bottle of sake.

She was only 19, yet she drank.... A lot....

" Need help?" He asked as he swiftly made his way behind her and took the bottle from her hands.

She nodded and crossed her arms, before leaning on the marble counter.

" Why are you drinking so early? Is only 2:30.... You usually wait till 5 to start drinking..." He said turning half of his attention to the older woman in front of him, and the other half to the bottle he was opening.

" Ugh..." She rolled her eyes and shook her head as if she didn't want to talk about it.

" Bad day I take it?" He said with a gently smile as he passed her the bottle of now opened alcohol.

" The worst day!" She wined as she took the bottle, and started to pour herself a big glass.

" Heh, I had one too..." He said, following it with a deep sigh.

" Want some? We can vent on how everything sucks!" The red Vocaloid held out the bottle with sad eyes.

Meiko was pessimistic, and Kaito was optimistic, so they handled things differently. Like for once Meiko drank her problems away while kaito would just try to forget them by doing... Anything else. But for once Kaito gave in and drank with his best friend.

They drank and talked till the sun went down. Even somewhere in between they had Haku, Teto and Yuma join...

Yeah... I know, a set up for disaster...

" Yeah, Yeah, I know! Anyway your turn Kaaaaaaaawaaaiiiitttooo!"
A very drunk Haku said as she slurred her words.

Kaito just giggled and rolled his eyes. He was too drunk to give a care about anything.
" Ehehe, Dare~"

Vocaloid ship book! { contains: Lemons & Fluffs}Where stories live. Discover now