Teto x Rin (Fluff)

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A/N: Sorry for this coming out so damn late, I kinda was grounded for doing stupid stuff XD yeah... I get in trouble a lot so I might post shiz late... Anyway, enough about me, enjoy!!! Btw this will become an AU story so if you want more check out the book in my works~

Rin had just come home from school, she was excited since she was about to do her most favorite thing in the world.... Or at least the only thing that made her happy....

She was going to talk to Kasane Teto. If you don't know who that is, it is a girl Rin has been talking to online for a few months. At first, Rin kind of ignored the girl, but once they started taking she actually started to grow a relationship with her. After that, they pretty much talked everyday.

Rin wasn't very social at school,she always got bullied and such so that's why she was unhappy at school. She also felt lonely, because her parents always worked, so she practically never saw them, causing her to be alone. But that has changed, well the lonely part diss.... Ever since Teto came in her life, she would always love the end of the school day, because she would go home to talk to Teto. For some unknown reason, she felt safe talking to her. Even if they have never met in person, Rin didn't care, she still would remain talking to this girl.

Rin kicked off her shoes, then ran up to her room. She shut the door, then flopped on her bed.

' I wonder if she is online now...' Rin thought, as she pulled out her laptop and turned it on. She then logged onto her laptop, and went on skype. They used to text each other on this one website, but they recently started video chatting with each other. " Yay! She is on~" Rin said to herself as she called Teto. Not long after she called, Teto picked up, and Rin saw the familiar red haired girl pop up on her screen.

" Hi Rin-chan!" Teto said with a bright energetic smile. Rin smiled back and waved. " Hey Teto! How was your day?" Rin asked as she hugged one of her stuffed animals on her bed. " Eh, same old, same old. " Teto said as she randomly bites into some random bread. " Ah, I see. Hey, bread again? I don't get why you like it so much... I'm assuming it's just bread and not a sandwich." Rin said as she rolled her eyes. " Hey!! Leave my bread alone! It has don't nothin' to ya!" The red haired girl exclaimed, as she pouted slightly.

Rin just laughed at how childish the girl sounded, and that made the other girl blush. " Wh-what's so funny!?" The now flustered girl questioned. " Ehehe, nothing, nothing!" The blonde said to reassure the redhead. " You just look cute when you are all pouty~"

Teto blushed even more and crossed her arms. " Okay, you're trying to make me blush now huh?" Rin giggled and nodded in response. " Aww, if I could I would so hug you right now~" Teto said with a sad smile.

That was the only problem with their relationship... Although they made each other happy by just talking, they couldn't touch... It's like the screen was in between them... This frustrated both Rin and Teto. They wanted to be together in one place, but distance made it very tough for them. It's not like they haven't thought of meeting up, but their parents would never agree to that... Teto's mom is too over protective, and Rin's mom would tell her it was a waste of time.

This is the small struggle they had to go through in their realationship, but they felt that as long as they were together, it wouldn't matter. They knew one day they would meet, and they knew when that day they would meet, their relationship would grow stronger. This is the one thing that kept the girls believing they could work... Even if it sounded ridiculous to everyone else. But it was okay, they didn't need anyone else... Not if they got in the way of being happy. I mean it's not like they are hurting anyone else right?

Rin reached out and touched her laptop screen, and returned another sad smile. " Some day we will meet up... When that day comes, we will be free to do as we please. No wall between us, no limits to chain us, and definitely nothing to hold us back from being fully happy." Teto nodded in agreement, and let out a sigh. " But that day hasn't come yet so we still have to put up with this.." Teto then groans loudly, and puts her head down on her desk.

" Hey now.... Don't be so negative, at least we can still talk to each other! " Rin said optimistically. She was determined to stay positive, and she planned to make Teto more optimistic too. " Heh, funny hearing that from you, especially since you're the one who's pessimistic half the time." Teto stated as a smirked to herself.

" I-I have the right to change don't I?" Rin said, as she started to pout just as Teto did earlier, this time causing Teto to laugh. " Yeah, I guess your right! So Rin... What do you think we should do when we first meet?"

Rin suddenly falls silent as she goes into deep thought. " I want to do the one thing I can't do online.... I want touch you..."

"Whoa, that sounds kinda pervy, doesn't it?" Teto teases as she laughs. Rin immediately blushes and shakes her head. " No! No! No! No! I did t mean it like that! I-I meant I wanted to hug you and stuff, since I can't do that stuff online... That's the only advantage of having someone physically there... "

Teto giggle and nods. " I know what you meant! But yeah... That is true. That's the only bad thing. But the good part is that when we finally meet we'll be together for good. Then we can touch, hug, and maybe even kiss~" Teto says then winks. Rin blushes even more and pulls down her big white bow to cover her face. " I-I dunno about kiss... "

" Awww! Buzz kiiiiiillllllll!" Teto smiles then holds her hands close to her heart. " Alright, well how about this... I'll wait until you're ready, then we can have our first kiss~ but till then I will snuggle and hug the crap outta you!"

"Ehehe, fine! When we meet we can do that! " Rin smiles back and puts her hand on to computer screen. " I can't wait for that day... It'll be the happiest day of my life..."

Teto puts one of her hands on her computer monitor as well, while keeping her other hand on her heart. " It'll be the happiest day of my life too. I'll finally with my ray of happiness...."

Just as Rin was about to respond her mom burst through the door. " Rin, get off your laptop! We have to go, get ready in ten minutes! " she says then leaves.

Rin sighs and her shoulders sink down. Teto just giggles. " It's okay Rinny, I get it. I'll talk to you another time! Bye!" Rin gives a sad smile and waves. " Goodbye Teto.." She says then hangs up. " I love you..." She mutters to herself, before getting ready.


Teto goes offline then sighs. " Why can't time just hurry up... Can't it see its crushing me...? I just want to be able to show her my love.... But I won't show my true love until we meet... I have to do it right! You just wait Rinny! I promise I can make you happy!"
Teto says to herself with determination, as she looks over at a painting she made not long before Rin called.

" Yeah happy.... "

--- ZEH END!

A/N: This was set up like a one shot, but it actually is chapter one of my new fanfiction! I hope you enjoyed! Sorry again for such a long delay... I am the worst at uploading! >~< I feel like crap for doing this! I'm so sorry! Anyway, if you have anymore ships you want me to write a one shot for then comment your OTP! But be mindful that I will upload very slow XD

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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