Goodbye Kiss {Oliver x Yuki fluff}

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Yuki was playing in the play ground at school. It was part of her normal daily school routine. But something was different today.

Rumor has it, that the English Exchange student named Oliver was going back to England, and it was his last day! Yuki couldn't believe it! She didn't really talk to the older boy much, but she knew she had some feelings for him, and she didn't want him to leave with out knowing if he liked her back.

So today, Yuki searched the play ground for the British boy. But she couldn't find him.

'Ugh! Where is he?' She thought as she continued searching until she found the boy sitting alone picking flowers. There is is! It was about time! She sighed and walked over to the boy.

" Oliver-kun?" Yuki called sweetly. Oliver turned around and smiled. " Oh, hello Yuki! How are you?" He asked politely as he stood up. The smaller girl smiled back, but then quickly frowned as she began to speak. " Uh, okay I guess... Is today really your last day?"

The blonde sighed and nodded. " Yes, sadly it is true. Today will be my last day I'll attend school..." The brunette looked down and sighed as well. " Oh..." The blonde picked up the smaller girl and chuckled. " But don't look so down! It's alright! You have so many friends to keep you company, so you won't be lonely!" He smiled, but the girl just squirmed in the boys grasp. " A-ah! O-Oliver! P-put me d-down!!! " he laughed and set her down.

Yuki sighed and patted down her red dress. " Baka! " Oliver smiled brightly and hugged the girl, which irritated her. " Why do you look so happy? You're leaving!" She wined. The older boy shrugged. " Well yeah... I am leaving, but I don't wanna be sad! Nor do I want my friends to be sad either! So smile for me Yuki!" The girl puffed out her cheeks, and pouted childishly. " B-but I can't smile until you stay! So you gotta promise me!" The boy sighed and let go of the girl. " I can't promise that Yuki.... You should know that." Yuki then started to tear up, and sob. " B-but, O-Ollie!" The blonde's eyes widened and he wiped away her tears. " Aww! Don't cry Yu-chan! It'll be okay! You just have to calm down!" He tried to comfort the girl, but it failed miserably. " O-Ollie... Y-you can't leave b-because... I-I..."

Ryuuto then ran over to Yuki. " YUUUUUKKKIII! It's time to go inside! Ms. Megurine wants us inside! Wha- what's wrong Yuki?" The girl sighed in defeat, but Oliver patted Yuki's head. " It's nothing Ryuuto, Yuki will be fine. As for you Yuki, go inside before you get in trouble! You got that little lady?" Yuki nodded and looked up at Oliver. " O-Okay Oliver.... B-but can we talk after school...? At the swings?" Oliver laughed and hugged Yuki tightly. " Of corse, now go!"

" Okay! I'll see you later Ollie!" As Oliver let Yuki go, she and Ryuuto ran back into their class room and continued the rest of their day. To everyone else, it was a normal day. But for Yuki, it felt like it didn't want to end fast enough. All she cared about was going to the play ground at the end of the day, and saying her final goodbye to Oliver... She wanted to see him again so bad, but at the same time she didn't want to lose him...

Once the bell final bell of the day rang, the teacher dismissed the class. Finally, the time Yuki has been dreading, and wanting to come...

The little girl took a deep breath, then she walked out of the class room, then made her way outside. Once she was outside she looked around the playground, until she found the British boy she was searching for.

She then smiled excitedly and ran over to the older boy. " Ollie!" She shouted as she hugged the boy tightly.

The boy chuckled and hugged the girl back. " Hey, Yuki. So what did you want to talk about?"

The girl looked up at the boy sheepishly and blushed. " W-well... I-I...." She trailed off in lose for words. What was she going to say exactly? She knew what she wanted to say, but she just didn't know how to say it.

She averted her eyes downward, which just made the boy laugh. " Yuki, if you're going to tell me to stay, I can't. I already--" " I know that!" Yuki interrupted frustrated. " I-I know you have to leave... I don't want you to though... I-I..." She takes a deep breath then blurts out. " I-I really like you Ollie! Like.... I like, like you..."

She then covered her red face in embarrassment. She was embarrassed with what she just said, but at the same time she didn't want it to be unsaid.

A few moments of silence fell between the two. Yuki was just flooded in embarrassment, but Oliver was processing what the girl said.

But finally Oliver decided to sit down on the swing and let out a sigh. " So that's what this is about, huh?"

Yuki nodded her head and sighed as well. Oliver patted the swing next to him, as if to tell Yuki to sit down. She then complied and sat next to him.

" Why did you decide to tell me now? Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Oliver asked as he looked up at the sky. Yuki just shrugged. " I-I don't know... I just felt like I had to say something.... I'm sorry... This was a waist of time... Goodbye Oliver, sorry to waist your time." She then got off the swing and started to leave, but Oliver took her hand. " Wait!"

Yuki looked back at the boy, with watery eyes. " Wh-what..?"

Oliver pulled Yuki close, and hugged her tightly. " You aren't waisting my time Yuki. So don't leave, and most importantly, don't cry. Okay? "

Yuki tried to pull away from the hug, but Oliver wouldn't let go. " Yes I am, you don't even like me back! And I'm NOT crying!"

Oliver sighed and rolled his good eye. " Yuki, quit trying to put up a fight! Just calm down! I do like you.... And I'm not just saying that. I just didn't want to say anything because I knew I was just going to leave so it would be no use."

Yuki's eyes widened as she heard this, and she stopped trying to push Oliver away. " Y-you like me back?" The blonde nodded and let go of the girl.

" I'm sorry it had to be like this though.." He sighs. Yuki just shook her head and took the blondes hand. " Then to make it up to me, come back! Promise you'll come back to me one day, okay?"

Oliver smiled and kissed Yuki's forehead. " Alright, I promise I'll come back for you. So just keep smiling for me, got it?" Yuki smiled brightly and held out her pinky finger. " Pinky promise!" Oliver laughed and went along with it, linking his pinky finger with the girls. " Pinky promise."

" Oliver! We have to go!" A voice called in the distance. Oliver sighed. " I'm sorry.... It's time." Yuki smiled and kissed the boys cheek. " It's okay, I get it. Goodbye Oliver. See ya soon~"

He smiled and ruffled the girls hair for the last time before turning around. " Goodbye Yuki, I'll see you soon." He then walked off to the parking lot to see the other Enloids waiting for him.

Although it was sad to let Yuki go, he knew that one day he was going to go back for her. He didn't know how long that was going to be... But he knew it was going to happen soon enough.

So he'll wait for the day he'll finally be with her again.

~The end~

See! I can do fluffs too! I'm not sure if it's a good one, but I tried ;-;
Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed! Remember to leave requests for your OTP! It could be fluff or smut, all request are welcomed~

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