Chapter 6

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Jin woke up with a heavy feeling on his chest. He smiled bcz he knows it's Taehyung. He likes to cuddle in sleep and Jin seems to like it too. It's been a long time since they cuddled with each other to sleep. He's way more used to it. But Jin has to wake up bcz Mrs. Kim is calling them for breakfast.

"Tae, can you get off me pls, see mom is calling us."

"Mhmm..." Taehyung let out a moan in response which made Jin sigh. He decided to wake him up the usual way. He somehow succeeded to detach himself from Taehyung as his grip was strong. Then he sat on his knees, getting into position before rolling Taehyung's body off from the bed which resulted into a loud thud as he collided with the floor.

"Ouch...what the hell–Jin?! What was that for?" Taehyung groaned as Jin laughed.

"Well, good morning mister. You weren't waking up so I used the old tricks which seems to be working till now."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Not funny."

"Anyways, get freshen is calling us for breakfast. You're going to office right? I'm taking out your suit then."

"Damn, this feels so domestic even tho Jin used to prepare my suit when I was a rookie CEO. Whatever, I'm loving it." Taehyung muttered under his breath.

"Did you say something, Tae?"



"Jin, Tae, good morning." Mrs. Kim greeted as both of them were coming downstairs.

"Good morning dad, good morning mom."
Jin and Taehyung greeted in unison.

"Good to see Tae, that you're early up today. Also, Jin, as you are the CEO now, your dad and I've decided to merge our business together. So just need the opinions of you two."

"Of course dad. If it's benefits our company then why not?!"

"Alright then. We will have a meeting regarding this. You two better hurry instead of fooling around. I heard noises of you two bickering in the morning." Mr. Kim said with a chuckle.

Seokjin and Taehyung stared at each other with wide eyes after hearing their father.


"See I told you, they will hear us. It's all your fault." Taehyung said while getting ready.

"Well, if you would have woken up then that wouldn't happen. And it's nothing new. Even dad was smiling. Lol, we used to bicker a lot. What's the big deal?"

"Well, now that we're married, let's act like the newlyweds." Taehyung stated with a grin.

"Are you Kidding me?

"Hell nah. I'm serious.

"Well then, Mr. Kim Taehyung, keep on dreaming."

"Daydreaming isn't bad tho-"

"Tae, let's hurry up or else we will be late."

"Alright, babe~"

Taehyung kept blabbering throughout the drive but stopped as he noticed how Seokjin was unusually quiet. Few seconds ago, Jin was laughing with him and now he was isn't even talking. Taehyung decided to not say anything as he didn't wanted to disturb him.

Meanwhile, Jin's mind wandered around Taehyung's words. How he said they should act as newlyweds. At first, he thought Taehyung was joking bcz he always had this kind of habit but he looked pretty serious. He looked at the sky and thought if he and Taehyung would ever live as true husbands, not just as bestfriends.

"Jin, we are here. Have good day at work."

" thanks Tae. Have a good day too." Jin was about to leave but couldn't as Taehyung grabbed Jin's wrist.

"Jin, I noticed how you were quiet through the ride. If something is bothering you then you can tell me like you used to. I understand why you're hesitating. We are married so many things might have changed but our friendship didn't changed at all.

"Got it. Now, lemme go."

"Where's my goodbye kiss?"

"Gosh Tae, you started it again. Go to your office now!!"

"Dude, you're no fun."

"Whatever. See you later, Tae." Jin said and hurried went the building to hide the fact that he was blushing from Taehyung's words which the latter didn't seem to notice.

"You seem to be in a good mood sir Kim. You were blushing few seconds earlier." Jin's secretary asked as he entered his cabin.

"Me? Blushing? Well..."

"Sir Kim, I'm happy for you and your husband. You two are really made for each other. Now I'll take my leave."

"Eh? Oh sure. Pls bring my schedule for today."

"Got it sir."

"Can me and Tae ever live happily like a marriage couple? I mean all our misunderstandings have been cleared yesterday but...what about our feelings? He seems to flirt a lot lately..."

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