Just Study Buddies! Part 13!

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Chapter 13:
Natsu smirks. "Can I have another kiss?" "You've got a girlfriend ya know!" Lucy was a little frustrated and clentched her fists. "Ugh! I don't even like Lizy!" "Yes you do! Don't lie to me! Get out!!!" Lucy points at the door.

Natsu laughs and leaves. "See ya tomorrow Luce!" Lucy slams the door closed. Her heart was beating out of her chest. She wanted to cry. "What the hell..." She sits down.

"Why the hell do I feel so crappy!?" Lucy lay on her bed looking up at the ceiling. "UGH! Stupid Pinky!" Lucy smacks her cheeks. "YOU MAKE ME WANNA CRY!!!" Lucy dug her face into her pillow.


Natsu ran to the boy's dorms. He went to room 7. "Yo Natsu, why do you have glitter all over your lips?" A small purple haired boy sat by the desk. "Hey Romeo, I was just hanging with the new girl." Natsu messes up Romeo's hair.

"You kissed her?!" "She's just a friend, she has her eyes on Gray." Natsu looks at the ground. "Sorry man... Is she Wendy's room mate?" "Yeah! You like Wendy?" "Pffft! I don't like her!" Romeo's face goes red.

"I'm just gonna go vist the new girl... See if she's hot!" Romeo stands up. Natsu laughs "Oh, she is!" Romeo runs out and Natsu sits on his bed.

He looks out the window and watches Romeo run to the girl's dorms. There was a knock on the door. Lucy, Wendy and Carla look at the door.

Wendy stands up and opens it. "Oh! H-Hi Romeo..." Wendy says shyly. "Yo Wendy, where's the new girl? Natsu says she's hot so I wanna see for myself!" Wendy looks down. "C-Come in..."

Romeo walks in and sees Lucy sitting on her bed. "N-Natsu called me h-hot?!" Lucy says. "Woah... He was right! Can I kiss you?"




"But you kissed Natsu!"


Romeo groans and walks out. Lucy slams the door shut. "What the hell!" Wendy's eyes fill with tears. "Romeo..." "WENDY!?" Lucy hugs her.

"Don't cry! Let's go out for ice cream! How does that sound!?" Wendy nodded. Her lips quiver and tears flow from her eyes. Lucy smiles. "Wendy, please don't cry. Your so strong!" Lucy hugs her tighter.

"Lets go!" Wendy, Carla and Lucy go to the ice cream parlour. They get a tub each. Lucy gets chocolate ice cream with oreos, Carla gets vanilla with strawberries and Wendy gets bubble gum with colourful sprinkles. They sit at a table. "You like Romeo?" Lucy asks.

"Yeah..." Wendy looks down. Lucy smiles. "He probably likes you back, hiding his feelings like all boys do!" Lucy ate some ice cream. Wendy giggles and eats some of her ice cream. "Yes child, listen to Lucy!" Carla ate some ice cream too.

Lucy sighs. "I know you probably will be as confused as me... But after Natsu left the apartment... My heart started to hurt and I wanted to cry... I don't know what's wrong with me! When ever I think about him, my heart beats fast, so fast that it hurts!" Lucy held the faberic on her shirt at her heart tightly.

"That's how I feel with Romeo..." Wendy places her hands on her heart too. "That's how I feel with T-" Carla stuffed ice cream in her mouth. "Dis ishe queem tashtes good!" {This ice cream tastes good!}

Wendy says as she stuffs ice cream in her mouth. "Don't talk with your mouth full, child! It's unlady like and rude!" Carla says strickly.

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