Just Study Buddies! Part 3!

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Just Study Buddies
Chapter 3:
|~No one's P.O.V~|

Natsu runs down the hall holding Lucy's hand. Happy flew next to them. They reached the front of the school. "Since we have the first 3 periods to ourselves, I figured we can tour the whole school start to finish!" He says with a smile. "Aye!" Happy says. Lucy laughs "Okay!"

Natsu still held Lucy's hand. He pulled her around like she was a dog on a leesh. "Here is the cafeteria, where we all eat." He walks to the left still holding her hand.

Lucy kinda liked the feeling of his warm hand holding hers so she didn't say anything. "Down the left coridore is all the Math and English rooms. Down the right coridore is all the Geography and History rooms. Room 1-5 are Math, 6-10 English, 11-15 Geography and 16-20 History." He says.

Lucy nods and the both keep on walking. They go upstairs still holding hands. "Okay. This second floor. Down the right are the Art and Music rooms. Down the left are the Science labs and Study rooms. 21-25 Art, 26-30 Music, 31-35 Science labs and 36-40 Study rooms." He says again.

Lucy nods again. They walk up the next set of stairs. The bell rings as they got up the stairs. "Man... First period gone already!?" Natsu says and lets go of Lucy's hand.

Gray and Elfman walk out of room 41 "Flame brain! There you are! Who's the hot chick" Gray says and winks at Lucy. Lucy blushes slightly and hides behind Natsu. "This is Lucy..." Natsu says.

"Heeey Lucy! Are you single! If you are let a real man bring you out for dinner!" Elfman grins at Lucy. Lucy still hid behind Natsu. "Shouldn't you two be getting to Sowing class now?" Natsu smirks.

The two guys glare and Natsu and walk away. "Who are they...?" Lucy asks as she stops hiding. "The big oaf is Elfman... And the navy haired freak is Gray..." Natsu says. "Gray is cute..." She says quietly. Natsu looks at her "HE STRIPS YA KNOW!" Lucy's eyes widened and she giggles.

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