Chapter 26: Out Shopping

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A year has passed since Yoru told Sakura and Pein about Orochimaru's plans. Sakura has studied the Shaingan over the past year.

Konan and Pein ended up together. While Sakura is still single, she's too tensed to know about the Akatsuki's feelings for her. Today is the Cherry blossom festival. Will today be the day when Sakura finds out they love her?

She went to the living room and saw Deidara sitting on the far side of the sofa, channel surfing with Hidan on the other side. Kakuzu is all over the coffee table, counting money. Itachi sat on a love seat, reading a book. Kisame is laying on the floor, sleeping soundly. Sasori sat beside Deidara, looking as bored as hell. Zetsu is sitting on the floor watching Tobi poke Kisame with a stick. Pein and Konan sat together in a love seat with Konan on Pein's lap. Sakura walked towards them and plopped down between Sasori and Hidan with a groan.

"What's wrong pink b**ch?" Hidan said, looking at her. Sakura glared at him for calling her b**ch but brushed it away. "It's such a boring afternoon." Sakura said. "Let's go to town, blossom. Let's get you a kimono." Sasori said with a smile on his face.

Sakura looked at him weirdly and said "Kimono? For what?" "Tonight's the cherry blossom festival, un." Deidara said, still channel surfing. "No, it's too expensive." Kakuzu said grumpily. "Hn. I'll pay you double on what ever cherry buys." Itachi said monotonously, reading his book. Everybody in the living room looked at Itachi in shock, even Kisame who just woke up. "Hn, deal." Kakuzu said, still counting money.

"Weasel, you don't have to do that for me." Sakura said, feeling sorry for Itachi. Itachi gave her an invisible smile and said "Anything for my Cherry." "YOUR CHERRY?!" Hidan shouted, pointing accusingly at him. Itachi gave Hidan a smirk and turned to his book. Hidan is now fuming with anger and stepped closer to Itachi. Kisame stood up and held Hidan away. "Chill, Hidan!" Kisame said, sweat dropping.

"Hmph!" Hidan said sitting back down on the couch. Sakura was smiling at them awkwardly the whole time, not knowing what to do. 'Cha!! They like you!' 'They don't you idiot.' Sakura thought. "Why don't we all go?" Sakura said, smiling.

"No, expenses will go higher." Kakuzu said, still counting his money. "Come on, Kaku. Just this once." Sakura told Kakuzu, giving him the puppy eyes. Kakuzu got red under his mask as his eyes widened. "Fine." Kakuzu mumbled as he looked away. "Yay!" Sakura cheered as she jumped on him, hugging him. Kakuzu's blush got darker as she pulled away. "We leave in an hour." Pein said. "Meeting place is in the living room." Konan said, standing up from Pein's lap.

Everyone nodded and went back to their rooms. Sakura took a nice warm bath, picked out her usual outfit. 'Should I still bring my kunai pouch.' 'Cha! Just hide kunais and shurikens up your sleeves and under your shoes like Itachi! Shanaro!' Inner shouted, Sakura as she was told and looked at the clock. '5 minutes left.' Sakura thought, walking out the door.

She entered the living room and saw Sasori completely annoyed. "I hate waiting." Sasori said, slouching on the sofa. Sakura laughed a little and approached him. "Sorry to make you wait, Puppet boy." She said, taking a sit beside him.

"Deidara takes forever to get ready. Heck, you even finish earlier than him and still look beautiful." Sasori said with an annoyed voice. Sakura blushed at his indirect compliment. As if on cue, Deidara entered the living room. "Finally, what took you so long brat?" Sasori said, still annoyed. "Sorry man, un." Deidara said flopping on the couch. A few minutes later, everyone came in.

"Make sure you don't forget anything." Pein said, walking out the door. Everyone followed him into town. A few minutes later, they reached a shop who sells various kinds of kimonos. "Waah! Sakura-chan! What about this?" Konan said, handing Sakura a neon kimono. "Umm, that's too bright Konan-chan." Sakura said, sweat dropping.

To Be Continued...

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