Chapter 29: Drunk Confessions

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Everyone entered the bar and ordered 3 bottles of the strongest one they have. Everyone recieved a shot.

A few shots later...

"Hey*hiccup*how come you-*hiccup* 're not f-*hiccup* f**king drunk, b-*hiccup*-itch?!" Hidan asked, getting drunk himself. "*hiccup* Yeah. Konan too." Kisame said, turning purple. The boys are drunk while the girls are drinking as if it's water.

"I said I don't drink. I didn't say I can't." Sakura said, grinning. "And here you say girls are weak. Now you have to do what we say for a week." Konan said smirking at them.

"*hiccup* Sakura, be mine. *hiccup*" Itachi said in a completely red face. "You're an art of eternal beauty. *hiccup*" Sasori said, fainting. "*hiccup* I'm ready to give *hiccup* up money for you, blossom." Kakuzu said with a red face under his mask. "You gave the blast *hiccup* into my art, un." Deidara said, lying all over the table. "F**king b**ch, I *hiccup* I can't f**king *hiccup* find the guts to scarifice you *hiccup* to Jashin-sama." Hidan said. Kisame was about to say somthing but he suddenly fainted along with Pein.

Zetsu emerged from the ground and looked at the boys. "Do you need help, bringing them back to the base?" Zetsu said, looking at the sleeping Sakura and Konan. "Too bad they didn't hear their confessions. Hell yeah, let's confess too." White Zetsu's eye widened at what black Zetsu said. "You idiot, no. Let's just bring Sakura and Konan back to the base. Fine."

The Next day...

Sakura and Konan woke up in their own rooms. 'Was it all a dream?' They thought. "WHO F**KING LEFT US IN THE BAR?" Hidan shouted throughout the base. "Shut up Hidan, my hangover sucks." Kakuzu said, grabbing water from the fridge. "LIKE HELL I WILL!" Hidan shouted again. Everyone groaned as their head started pounding. 'I guess it wasn't a dream.' Both girls thought grinning as they entered their own bathrooms.

To Be Continued...

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