Chapter 33: Baby Days (Part 1)

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A/n: Here's a new chapter for my precious readers. I really love your comments. ^_^ oh, and just a little reminder, comment if you can't understand some words. :3


"LEADEW!!!!!" A cute little voice shouted. A fuming tiny kid with pink hair barged into Pein's office. Konan approached the kid and picked her up. "What are you doing here, little girl?" She said.

The little girl twitched. "Sakuwa ain't no little girl! Sakuwa only little because HE sent Sakuwa on a mission and Sakuwa ended up getting cuwsed!" She said, pointing at Pein.

"Sakura?" Pein asked with an eyebrow raised. "Hell yeah I am!" Little Sakura said glaring at him. Pein tried not to laugh at Sakura. "Sakura-chan you're so cute~!" Konan cooed at her and swirled her around and put her down.

"Sakuwa thinks Sakuwa is in Sakuwa's fife yeaw old self. Sakuwa chakwa, stwength, achility and speed decweased dwastically." Sakura explained, still glaring at Pein. Konan took out a scroll from the shelf and handed it to Pein.

"It's called the back to time Jutsu. It seems like you got yourself cursed during that mission. The jutsu should wear off within a day or two. You are dismissed." Pein said, smiling at Sakura.

Sakura sighed and walked out the office. Thump. Sakura bumped into Itachi. Itachi kneeled to her height and said "Kids shouldn't be here." Sakura puffed out her cheeks and poked his forehead. "Weasel-nii Sakuwa hungwy." She said pouting. Itachi's eyes widened at this as realisation hit him. "Blossom?" He said. Sakura pouted and nodded.

Itachi smiled and picked her up and walked to the kitchen. He settled her down on a stool and started making a sandwich. Tobi entered the kitchen and spotted little Sakura, swinging her legs back and forth. He ran towards her and picked her up. "Uwaa~ Kawai!" Tobi said and he gave her a death hug.

Itachi glanced at Sakura and saw her turning purple. "Hn, let go of her." Itachi said monotonously, hitting Tobi with a wooden spoon over his head.

Tobi gently put Sakura down with a bump on his head. "Woah who's the kid, un? She looks like cherry." Deidara said as he entered the kitchen. Itachi set the plate in front of Sakura.

"Hn, it seems blossom got turned by a jutsu." Itachi said, watching Sakura take a tiny bite from the sandwich. "Oh? Cherry is too cute. Un." Deidara said, pinching Sakura's cheek. Sakura twitched and bit Deidara's hand. "Ittai! She's biting me, un!" Deidara shouted. Sakura let go of his hand and looked at Deidara with big green orbs. "Deidei-nii Sakuwa wanna bwaid Deidei-nii's haiw." She said. Tobi silently laughed in a corner.

Deidara twitched and threw a plate at Tobi, successfully hitting him. "Not after what you did, un!" Deidara said, holding his bitten hand. Sakura teared up and said "Sakura is sowy, Deidei-nii." Deidara's eyes softened at her. He smiled and picked up Sakura. "Alright, un. How can I say no to that face, un." Deidara said, going to the living room. Itachi followed to keep an eye on Sakura.

A few minutes of braiding later, Hidan went in. "Oi, who the f**k is the little b**ch?!" He shouted, plopping down beside Sakura who is braiding Deidara's hair. Sakura stopped braiding, making Deidara look at her.

Deidara and Itachi's eyes widened when they saw Sakura tearing up. A few seconds later, a crying blossom can be heard. Konan entered the living room and Sakura ran to her and hugged her, still crying. Kakuzu entered the living room and glanced at the pink haired girl. "Sakura?" He asked.

Konan kneeled down to her height and asked what was wrong. "O-old man-nii scawed Sakuwa. He called Sakuwa b**ch." She said, hugging Konan.

"Oh? Shall I have Zetsu eat him then?" Sasori said, entering the living room. "That'll be a good idea." Kisame said, grinning. Zetsu emerged from the ground with a smile on his face. "I'd like that." He said.

"W-wait! I f-f**king didn't mean to!" Hidan said, backing away as he felt dark auras coming from them. Unknown to them, Sakura is roaming the fridge the moment Sasori arrived.

Everyone ran towards the kitchen when they heard a loud noise. A picture of Sakura covered in food surprised them. Sakura grinned and said "Sakuwa is food painting."

"Can you take a bath yourself, blossom?" Sasori asked wiping of a ketchup from Sakura's cheek. "Hai! Sakuwa use shampoo fow body and soap fow haiw." Sakura said gleefully. Everybody sweat dropped at her.

"It seems like the jutsu is taking toll on Sakura's memories and abilities. It should wear off in about a day or two." Pein said, entering the kitchen. "Then it's a mission to keep an eye on blossom." Zetsu said. Pein nodded.

"Who'll give Sakura a bath?" Kisame asked as Sakura squirted mustard at him, giggling. "It's only logic that Konan should be the one to give her a bath." Sasori said, glancing at Konan. Konan stiffened at this and said "Um...I don't know how to."

To Be Continued...

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