Chapter 6

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The next day I had potions. I sat down in my normal seat next to Blaise, with Draco and Pansy across from me. As I sat down I felt all eyes on me. Snape told us we would be brewing an Alihotsy Draught potion.

Unfortunately even with Snape being my father I was not gifted with the craft of potion making. I turned to Blaise as he was my partner. I started to brew the potion following the instructions carefully.

"Why did you transfer? Didn't get expelled, did you?" Blaise asked out of the blue.

"Who cares about why she transferred" Draco spat. I Ignored Draco's comment. I turned to Blaise whilst trying to think of an excuse.

"No I didn't get expelled, I just never felt it was the right school for me, so I wanted a change of scenery" I said hoping no one saw through my lie, it was all I could come up with on the spot.

"I doubt it, you just probably didn't have any friends." Draco chuckled

"Actually Draco I had plenty of friends, not that it's any of your business" I quickly retorted. Draco scoffs and turns back to his potion.

"Well I'm certainly glad you decided to come to this school" Blaise winked at me.

I internally cringed but I couldn't help thank him for actually trying to be civil, unlike Draco.

As time goes on I reach for the Alihotsy leaves in the middle of the table. To my displeasure both me and Draco's hands clash as we both go to grab the Alihotsy leaves. We both glanced at each other making eye contact and I couldn't help notice again that deep within his grey coloured eyes was a twinkle. He slaps my hand harshly away from the Alihotsy Leaves.

"Get your hands off me, I don't want my skin to be contaminated with your filthy half-blood hands" he snapped at me.

Stunned I glared back at him whilst deciding whether to speak up from myself. I knew I shouldn't but blinded with rage I couldn't hold myself back.

"What's your problem, why are you so rude all the time!"

"Don't you dare speak to me like that you filthy little blood-traitor."

Anger rises up through me. I stand up from my seat and shout "Never call me a blood-traitor again!"

Draco scoffs. "Or what, what are you going to do to me!"

I wouldn't usually be this hostile but he is speaking to me like some scum he found on the bottom of his shoe and all because my mother was a muggle. That was my weakness, my mother but I couldn't let him know that.

"I-" But before I could reply Snape had already noticed our fight.

"Miss Hart outside now!" Snape shouts and points to the door.

Reluctantly I storm out the room following behind Snape. I could feel Draco's smirk on my back knowing he had won.

Snape followed me out and shut the door behind him. "Lara, what are you doing, you supposed to be keeping a low profile, and not getting into fights with the son of two known death eaters" I was taken aback. Draco Malfoy was the son of two death eaters, of course he was, but why do I feel a little disappointed.

Looking down sulking I say "I'm sorry, I..I didn't know"

"Well next time someone makes a comment about you just keep your head down and ignore it. Now go back in there, sit down and be quiet for the rest of class." I felt disappointed in myself knowing that I had disappointed my father. I trudge back into the classroom taking my seat next to Blaise.

"Not expelled yet are we. Hmm disappointing" Draco laughed.

"Fuck off" I mumbled under breath.

The rest of the class was uneventful and fortunately Draco didn't try to speak to me again although I couldn't help notice every now and again he would glance over in my direction with a curious look. As soon as the bell goes I pick up my books and speed straight off to the common room. All I wanted was to be alone.


The events in potion's class were soon forgotten as time went on. It has now been a month or so and me and Blaise had gotten really quite close. However the first quidditch match of the season was coming up and I was absolutely terrified although I wouldn't tell anyone that. It was against Hufflepuff though which was good because I was told that they're not the best.

The day before the game I was walking down the hall by myself with my arms hugging my books. I had just come from the library as I had a free period. As I made my way back the halls were eerie as everyone was still in classes. 

Suddenly, as I turned the corner, a shoulder collided with mine making me let go of my books. They sprayed all over the floor. I looked up to see who barged into me. Why do I even ask, of course none other than the notorious Draco Malfoy was towering over me. I huff as I bend down to pick them up, not even trying to talk to him. Surprisingly a hand followed mine as he helps to pick up my books. We both stand up simultaneously, he awkwardly passes me my books while scratching the back of his head.

Why was he being nice?

"Umm.. thank-" I started to say.

"I see you haven't taken my advice." He interrupted.

"What advice." I looked up with him with playful eyes as I played dumb. I knew what he was talking about but I didn't show it.

"Don't play dumb Hart, you know what I'm talking about." He said slightly, raising his voice.

"Fine, no I haven't taken your advice considering Blaise is actually a nice person."

"He's playing you." He said with some frustration

"How can you say that, he is just about the only person I can actually have a civil conversation with" I quickly retorted.

At that moment students started to fill the halls as class had just ended. A couple Slytherin's spotted us and came over. In the group included Pansy and a couple other Slytherin boy's I had only seen around.

"What's going on Draco, why are you speaking to... her." Pansy looked at me up and down with a disgusted look.

"I was just telling her to try and not fall off her broom in the first two minutes of the game." A couple of the Slytherin chuckled at Draco's comment.

"And I was just recapping Draco on how many games he has lost us by not catching the snitch but we might be here a while, it's quite a long list." Draco's head snapped towards me while I just smirked. His smirk faded into a scowl.

"Oh yeah, well we will see about that tomorrow won't we?" He scoffed.

I was about to return his comment when I glanced over Draco's shoulder and Snape was leaning against the wall with his hand on his chin watching us. He caught my eyes and just shook his head slightly with a disappointed look. My heart sank, I had not known my father for long, but I had grown to care for him and I didn't want to disappoint him. I looked down at the floor then quietly said.

"I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow." I quickly said.

I looked up at Draco one last time, he had a proud smirk on his face. However he quickly realised that something was wrong and his smirk strangely fell. Without thinking too much about it, I turned around, hugging my books tighter then before. I didn't want to disappoint my father so it was better to keep my head down even though Draco brought the worst out in me. 


A: Draco is acts so different when he is around his friends :(( 

Anyone excited for the quidditch match!! I know I am 

Anyways, on to the next chapter...

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