Chapter 52

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The battle was dire.

We all sat in the great hall. Everywhere I looked there was either a dead body or someone in agony. So many lives were lost, so many friends taken. The worst of it is that it wasn't even over. Voldermort's army has retreated but at what cost. Harry was going to have to make a choice, or maybe already has made one. No one has seen him.

As well as this I hadn't seen my father since I arrived at Hogwarts two days ago. I hope he is safe.

A while went by, nothing really happened. The sun started to rise, it was a new day. People started to slowly get up and go outside, something was happening. My stomach was in knots. I squeezed Draco's hand tighter as we made our way outside into the destroyed courtyard.

In the distance we could see Voldermort's army walking down the bridge towards us. This can't be good. Voldermort led his army into the courtyard with his snake slithering beside him. Both sides now stood parallel to each other.

"Who is that Hagrid's carrying? Neville, who is it?" Ginny said. I turned my attention towards Hagrid to see what she was referring to. In Hagrid's arms was a slumped body. No, no, no. It can't be. Is that Harry?

"Harry Potter is Dead!" Voldermort shouted joyously. Pain shot through my body and went straight to my heart. I can't believe he is gone. My mind couldn't wrap around the thought. "Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth you put your faith in me." The courtyard was silent. I don't think anyone could fathom what is happening. "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD." Voldermot shouts towards his followers which in response they all howled and laughed.

"And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us....or die" No one moved.

"Draco." A voice was heard among the crowd. The voice belonged to Lucius, Draco's father. "Draco..."

All heads turned to us. I too turned my head towards him. I didn't want him to go but I know it won't be safe for him to stay.

"Draco...come." Narcissa said.

He looked down at me. He was conflicted. Draco has a good heart, he never wanted any of this. But the truth is, he is a Slytherin not a Gryffindor. He has never stood up to his parents, or Voldemort or anyone really. He always cowers, always runs away. I love him for all of his faults but at this moment he needs to be brave. He needs to not run away and stand up for what is good, for what is right.

" brave. Stay." I said simply. If he still decides to leave, then that is his decision.

He opened his mouth to say something but shut it quickly. He looked up at his parents one last time with sadness. He didn't move. I let go of my breath that I didn't even realise I was holding. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Disappointing Draco, I thought better of you." Voldermort said. Both Lucius and Narcissa cowardly submerged back into the crowd. I felt bad for Narcissa. After all that time I spent in the manor, she was one of the reasons I kept going.

Neville stumbled forward. What was he doing? "Well I must say I hoped for better." Crawl laughter filled our ears. "And who might you be, young man?" Voldermort asked.

"Neville Longbottom." He said with some courage. More laughter was heard.

"Well Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks."

"I'd like to say something." He interrupted him.

Voldermort did not look happy. "Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say."

"It doesn't matter Harry's gone–"

"Stand down, Neville." Seamus interrupted.

"People die everyday! Friends, family. Yeah. We lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us, in here." He points to his heart. "So's Fred....and Remus....Tonks. All of them. They didn't die in vain. But you will! Because you're wrong. Harry's heart did beat for us. For all of us!" This is not over!" He shouted valiantly and pulled a sword out of the sorting hat.

Suddenly a miracle happened. Harry jumped out of Hagrid's arms like a magic trick.

"Confringo!" He shouted and fire hit the snake next to Voldermort. Gasps of happiness and relief were heard from our side. He was alive.

The battle had commenced once more, however this time we had the upper hand.


Voldermort was dead. We had won. I was resting my head on Draco's shoulder whilst our hands were intertwined. I felt at peace which hadn't happened for a long time. Happiness ran through my veins and I couldn't help but smile.

"Lara, you're starting to creep me out. Can you go back to the world is about to end Lara, at least then you won't look like a creepy doll." He chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I'm just happy." I looked up at him and kissed him. This kiss symbolised everything we had gone through together was finally over, now it can just be me and him living in a little cottage away from everyone. Of course his parents (Well maybe just Narcissa) and my father can visit for holidays, but otherwise, just me and him.

We pulled away from this kiss. "Me too." He said. I rested my head back on his shoulder as I noticed Harry walking in. "I'm just gonna see Harry." I jumped up and strided towards him. "Harry!" I said enthusiastically, although he didn't seem as excited to see me. "I can't believe it's all over."

"Yeah." He mumbled.

"What's wrong? I feel like you should look happier right now." His head stayed down not making eye contact with me. "Harry, what is it?"

Finally he looked up at me, but what was in his eyes gave me a bad feeling. My smile dropped. "Lara...your father-"

"Oh you haven't seen him have you, I've been looking everywhere."

He cleared his throat. "Lara, Snape. He umm..." My stomach dropped before he could form the words. "Voldermort killed him." He finally said.

My world stopped. I couldn't move, I couldn't blink, I couldn't breathe. I think Harry was saying something but I couldn't hear him. He was not dead. My father that I was only just starting to get to know could not be dead. I felt like the rug had been swept from underneath me. I was not ready for the undeniable truth of my father's death.

Finally my legs started to work again and I stumbled out of the noise of the hall. I slumped against a wall and took everything in.

My chest felt tight, my eyes welled up, my hands started to shake, my throat tightened. My whole body went into shut down mode. Tears streamed down my face but anger built up inside of me. I never got to say goodbye, I never got to say I love you.

Suddenly there were arms wrapped around me. It was Draco. "Shhh, it's alright." As soon as I felt his presence I cried even harder into his arms. All those times I took the crucio curse in that basement will never compare to the pain I am feeling. I would take that curse 100 times over to not feel this for a second.

He was the only family I ever really loved, sure I had my uncle and aunt but they never really cared for me, they were just stuck with me. Even though my father bore no given emotion I knew he loved me, cared for me. He was taken from me when I wasn't prepared, I deserved more time with him.

My heart felt tight, like it wasn't beating. My cheeks were soaked and my eyes were red and puffy. My head throbbed from crying so hard and my hands were ready to break something from anger.

This was supposed to be a happy day, a day to rejoice the day that the Dark Lord died. But that is not how I'm going to look back on this day. This day will always be painful.


A: I cried writing this, Snapes death is one of the saddest ones and no one can tell me otherwise.

Anyways, on to the next chapter...

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