Chapter 23

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It was our last day of 5th year at Hogwarts. A lot had gone down for only my first year at Hogwarts but somehow in this one year I felt more at home than I ever did at Beauxbatons. There were smiles all around at breakfast as everyone was buzzing for the summer holidays. I sat down across from Mattheo who was stuffing his face with toast. I had mixed emotions about going home. Being away from my uncle has been refreshing. But I'm excited for the summer part.

I shook my head and chuckled "What?" He mumbled with toast spilling out of his mouth.

"Do you ever stop eating?" I laughed at his antics.

"Shove off, I'm hungry." He defended.

"Yeah, apparently you're hungry all the time."

He swallowed the rest of his toast so he could actually speak normally. "Yeah well I'm a big boy I need lots of food to fuel these guns." He flexed his bicep.

"Sorry, where I can't see anything there." I said sarcastically, squinting.

"Hey" He punched me playfully. "I worked hard for these" He pouted.

"I think you need to work a bit harder." I joked.

He put his hand on his heart and acted hurt. "Wow now I finally understand why you are Slytherin." I chuckled at his comment.

A few moments later Draco came into the hall and sat down next to me. "Hey" I perked up.

"Hi" He mumbled. I furrowed my eyebrows, what was wrong with him.

"Draco, are you ok?" He didn't answer. "Draco?" I said louder.

He looked up startled. "Mmm what yes no I'm fine, I'm okay."

"Right." I looked at him confused. "Okay well I'm gonna go finish packing, I'll see you guys later." I kissed Draco on the cheek before I went but he only gave me a half smile. What was up with him.

I finished my packing, and trudged down to the platform. Everyone was there saying goodbye. I ran over to Hermione, Ron and Harry. "Hey guys I just wanted to say thank you for everything this year and Harry I hope things get better." He gave me a small smile as he was still grieving his Godfather's death.

"Bye Lara, have a nice summer." Hermoine said whilst hugging me.

I walked back to the train and hopped on to find Draco and Mattheo. I found them both plus Daphne all in a booth. I plopped next to a distracted Draco who was looking out the window. The train set of and Mattheo and Daphne were talking between them whilst Draco was still staring at nothing,

I nudged his arm gently. "Draco, are you sure you're okay, you seem really off." I said quietly.

I looked at me properly now, still the same twinkle in his eyes as always. "Of course darling, just thinking that's all." He gave me a long peck before pulling away. I was still weary but Draco could handle himself and I didn't want to pry. "Are you excited for the summer holidays?" I asked him, trying my best to make him happier.

His smile dropped slightly. "If I'm honest, not really." I frowned at this.

"Why not." He looked down and fiddled with his rings. There was something he wanted to say that was caught in his throat. "Draco, is everything alright."

"Yes love, I just- I'm just going to miss you, that's all." He spoke, I felt like there was something more going on however.

"Well we can write to each other and we can meet up." I said hopefully.

He paused for a moment before looking back at me then away again. "You're right, of course we can meet and write." I still feel like there isn't something he's telling me but I know Draco and if there is something, he will tell me when he's ready.

We arrived at Kings Cross a few hours later. I said my final goodbye to Mattheo.

"You better write to me dick or I might forget you." I said playfully.

"Haha I don't think you could ever forget this face." He chuckled. I hugged him one last time before he went off. I never realised actually how much Mattheo has impacted my life until now. I wouldn't have survived this year without him.

I turned to see Draco waiting for me. I didn't see my aunt or uncle yet so I could say goodbye to Draco without any questions.

"I'm going to miss you" He said truthfully.

"Why are you acting like we're never going to see me again, we can literally see each other all summer if we want to." I exclaimed.

"Yeah, of course," He replied solemnly.

"Promise you'll write to me." I said pointing a mean finger at him.

He chuckled. "Promise."

We kissed each other one last time. I pulled away but he kept going, not wanting it to stop. "Draco," I said softly, parting us. "Goodbye"

He sighed. "Bye love." He said before I turned around and went and found my aunt and uncle. I am going to miss him a lot but I know we won't be apart for too long.

Draco's POV

I watched her walk away. The person I have fallen in love with, who still doesn't know and it breaks my heart that she will never know. I know what I have to become this summer and to protect her she cannot be with me. It will put her in danger and I don't think I could handle seeing her hurt. It may break her for a while but over time she will get over me, find someone else, someone better, someone deserving of her love. But for me she will always be my one true love.


A: End of 5th year, yayyy. I have so many plans for sixth year. I'm very excited. You guys aren't ready.

Anyways, on to the next chapter...

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