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Hawks pov:

"Since you found him hawks you should watch him for a while."

Darn it recovery girl I'm the number 4 hero if I stick around him villains might come for him besides my mating season starts tomorrow and I know you knew that. "Is it ok if I walk you home izuku?" I ask complying to recovery girl's wishes so I don't get in trouble with her. "Oh umm sure that would be nice it's not too far from here." He says quietly. "Alright then let's go." I grab his hand unconsciously and don't realize I did until we are down the street more, as we continue to walk I start to take in his features and realize how adorable he truly is. He as fluffy green hair and freckles in a diamond shape on each of his cheeks, his eyes are bright and shine in the light which reminds me of an emerald. "We're here." He says a little loudly "oh alright." I say still looking at him I decide to take in our surroundings to see where his house is, it's an apartment building with at least 20 floors. "do you want to meet my mom?" He asks innocently disrupting my thoughts, how can I say no to that face though. "Yeah I'd love to." I respond trying to sound cheerful, I believe it worked as his smile grows at least 10 times larger. He pulls my hand and we walk into the apartment building earning surprised gasps from everyone in the lobby. "Why is everyone surprised? Wait oh I forgot your the number 4 hero!" He said loudly at the end. I chuckle softly at his forgetfulness. "Why don't we just go to your apartment." I half suggest half remind him of the original plan. "Right sorry." He says quickly as we walk to the elevator. Once we enter he presses the button for floor 14 and we begin to rise up. After a couple minutes we reach his floor and exit the elevator. We walk down the hall for a short time and reach his apartment. He knocks in a pattern and I can hear someone scurrying to the door, a lady who looks similar to izuku opens the door, she has the same eyes but darker hair and no freckles. "Izuku where we're you I was so worried about you!" She says voice cracking a little bit. I decide to pipe in at that moment. "He was with me ma'am." I state calmly but with a smile. She looks at me as if she didn't realize someone else was there before her eyes widen at the sight of a top tier hero standing outside her door. "Thank you very much sir, would you like to come in for some tea?" She politely asks. "No need for formality, I assume your miss midoriya?" I ask to make sure it is her. She nods her head and ushered us in quickly, once we got in and the door was closed izuku mentions something. "Oh mom we found something great." He tells her excitement leaking into his voice. He grabs the quirk assessment paper and hands it to her practically bouncing in excitement. After reading through the paper miss midoriya gasps and looks at izuku. "I'm so happy for you izuku!" She exclaims with tears in her eyes. They hug each other briefly before miss midoriya remembers she has a guest. "I am so sorry sir I was just happy for izuku, he grew up thinking he was quirkless but he always wanted to be a hero." She says with a sad smile but she is clearly happy for her son. "It's quite alright miss I do have to leave now so maybe I can come back tomorrow for tea." I say earning a nod from the shorter lady. "Be safe." I hear izuku say in a quiet mumble. Without thinking I ruffled his hair feeling just how soft it was. "You be safe too feathers."  I say and walk out the door before blushing profoundly. "Why did I do that I'm such an idiot." I whispered to myself hitting myself in the forehead .

Izuku pov:

After hawks ruffled my hair and called me feathers I began to blush a lot. "Izuku are you ok you look really red." My mother says worriedly. "I-I'm ok I'm just g-going to my room." I stutter and run off to my room closing the door behind me. I jump on my bed and press my face into the pillow to hide my tomato red face from the world. "Do I really have a crush on the number 4 hero?" I ask myself feeling stupid. I decide I'll go on a walk to clear my mind and hopefully forget my unrealistic feelings for hawks, someone who would never like someone as useless as me. I get up from my bed and change out of my middle school uniform that I realized I was still in, and I leave my room to be face to face with my mother who was about to open my door. "Are you ok izuku?" She asks with a concerned expression. "Yeah I'm just going on a walk." I say trying to ease her worries. She nods and backs off reminding me to be home for dinner before I exit the house and walk to the elevator.

As I continue walking I end up passing the playground kachan and I used to play in when we were little, it looks as if it hasn't been used in a while so I assume nobody will sneak up on me when I go check it out. Heading to the swing and sitting on the slightly rusty seat I take a deep breath in feeling very relaxed for the first time in a while, though this calm state of mind doesn't last long as I hear a familiar blonde shouting at his friends' I know they only hang out around him because he has a strong quirk but I don't have the heart to tell him besides he's smart I'm sure he's figured that out himself. But as per usual he noticed me which means I'll go home with blood on me, now that I know about my quirk maybe I'll heal faster and can just wash the blood off but that's probably wishful thinking right .

1069 words... NEW UPDATE!

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